Throne breaker daily crystal

I see everytime i spin non stop 5* champs but in 6 months i havnt gotten any, anyone getting luck with them? Mainly i get 18k t4 base cats or some t4 class cata
I’m running about 1.5 T5b and just under 2 T2a a month from it—which is good.
Purely anecdotal, but I’d guess things like 6* shards & T5c are less than a 1% chance, with 5* champs maybe a little better. 5K 5* shards around a 3% overall chance.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
So no one commented so far getting a 5*
I was like, "ahhh.... no T2A?"
I would say I get a mix of T4B, T4CC, & T2A on a regular basis. I got 5* shards for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and my first fully formed T5B this last Monday. I have yet to get any T5CC.
Like others have pointed out, I don't think it's worth taking up a bad 6* to get TB, but I'm not unhappy with the daily at all. I feel like it definitely gives me more useful resources than the Cav daily.
A similar thing I believe happens to PHCs, GMCs, and Cavs, where the rarity of champs is not obeyed in the crystal so every possible drop shows up equally, even though higher rarities actually drop much less frequently.
Dr. Zola
Posting my past ~90 days of TB daily pulls. I’ve got a handful of days where I missed plus a few at the beginning where I failed to record the results—this tally runs back to around mid-January.
Here are total + monthly take home:
And here are the drops by type along with my personal drop rates:
Dr. Zola
Finally got a 5* champ - Korg. Still no 6* shards.
Also, I got another unit drop, this one was for 25 units, so it seems there's at least two kinds of unit drops, 25 and 40.
My pulls over the last two days. Can’t complain