Looking at the Buff Vote Candidates

CosmicGuardianCosmicGuardian Member Posts: 408 ★★★
edited April 2021 in General Discussion
With the champion update poll coming out this coming week, I thought I’d take a look at the different options we have and what each one currently offers. While I know there have been a number of posts about the vote and which champ should be chosen, I haven’t seen an objective one that looks at the different pieces of utility each champ has, so that’s what I’m doing here today. Arguably, all 6 options have some lacklustre damage without synergies, so I won’t be looking at damage numbers. I also won’t be taking into account synergies either, so this will be looking at using each champ by themselves, since not everyone may have the other champs needed for the synergies. I also won’t be looking at stats either since I’ll be frank, I’m not an expert on stats and how they actually translate to in-game performance. I also won’t be going into all the different node combos these champs can work on just because there are so many different nodes and my memory isn’t exactly the best.This post isn’t meant to tell you to vote for a certain champ, just to give everyone an opportunity to compare the different options. So with all that out of the way, let’s dive in!

Agent Venom: First up is Agent Venom. So as anyone who has fought this will know, he has a 70% chance to purify any debuff that is applied to him. As well, he passively reduces the opponent’s evade chance by 50%, with his sp1 giving an additional 30% reduction. Finally, he has access to bleed and incinerate via his special attacks.

Ant-Man: As for Ant-Man, his main pieces of utility are the fatigues that he can apply by landing light attacks, and his sp2’s ability to convert those fatigues into poisons. He also has his glancing mechanic when awakened, which can be argued as useful as well for damage mitigation purposes.

Guillotine: Guillotine’s primary mechanic revolves around her souls, which she gains by decreasing the opponent’s health. While they can provide extra damage output, there are two main uses for her souls. Firstly is the heal reversal on her sp2, which spends 2 of these souls to apply the reversal for 10 seconds. Secondly, her souls give her access to a health steal which can provide some extra sustainability. The other piece of utility Guillotine has is that she has access to bleeds, as her critical hits have a 50% chance to apply bleeds.

Joe Fixit: Mr. Fixit has a few pieces of utility spread across different abilities. He has an immunity to poison, and is able to inflict bleeds on his sp1 and sp3, and a stun on his sp2 if it is needed. His different poker suits give him unique abilities, such as regeneration, increased critical rating based on hit counter, increased damage based on lost health, and access to apply weaken and fatigue debuffs on his attacks.

Kamala Khan: Kamala’s kit is based around her ability to gain furies, which can be gained by using special attacks and charging heavies, and also give her increased block proficiency per fury. Once she has at least 3 furies active on her, each special will nullify 2 stacks of buffs on the opponent. She also has an immunity to poison effects as well.

Thor (Jane Foster): Finally, we’ll take a look at Jane. She has a passive 70% shock resistance, as well as additional energy resistance. Her specials all apply shock debuffs, and hitting into a shocked opponent has a chance to stun them. She also has a chance to place a staffer on the opponent when landing heavy attacks as well, and this stagger is one of the older staggers that nullifies all buffs that activate at the same time, like the Champion’s fury and unstoppable buffs for example.

All in all, each champ in the poll has their own unique utility and uses. I’m not saying that they are effective options for those uses, that’s why they’re all buff candidates, but they still can play different roles all the same. Each of the above champs definitely need some work, and I hope that being able to see all of their pieces of utility in one place will help make people’s decisions easier.


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    My thinking is: if you pulled them as a 6*, would you use iso on them? The answer for that is no never besides MAYBE Jane Foster. Still pretty unlikely. Therefore, I have no real qualms about who gets picked, so I may as well vote for the one that I have (KK). Other top choices for me are AV Guilly and Joe because: symbiotes are cool, Kabam original (and an epic character at that), and solid framework for a transformational moderate update.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021

    See, my reasoning behind who should get the buff first is who has the overall simplest/least useful abilities. I would argue that Agent Venom has the least going for him, including his use in synergies/etc, so he’s who I’m voting for. Other champs (mainly Guilly or Fixit) actually have a reasonable range of useful abilities and fit in to useful or OP synergies (Antman, Guilly, etc). Are any of the other ones great? Not really, but really the only reliable And useful thing about AV is the Klyntar Rage, which is only with his awakened ability.

    I get that people who like a certain champ want them to get a buff (eg Guilly being Kabam original) but I think priority should be given to the least useful, as others will eventually get a buff anyways.
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  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    Faseeh said:

    See, my reasoning behind who should get the buff first is who has the overall simplest/least useful abilities. I would argue that Agent Venom has the least going for him, including his use in synergies/etc, so he’s who I’m voting for. Other champs (mainly Guilly or Fixit) actually have a reasonable range of useful abilities and fit in to useful or OP synergies (Antman, Guilly, etc). Are any of the other ones great? Not really, but really the only reliable And useful thing about AV is the Klyntar Rage, which is only with his awakened ability.

    I get that people who like a certain champ want them to get a buff (eg Guilly being Kabam original) but I think priority should be given to the least useful, as others will eventually get a buff anyways.

    Antman has even lesser uses. At least agent venom's sp1 and sp3 does SOMETHING
    Ant-Man: Has a place in a busted synergy

    Agent Venom: Not a single ability that doesn't rely on RNG besides a pathetic attack boost when duped
  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 642 ★★★
    Voting Ant-Man because he deserves better. Don't really care for the others if I'm honest.
  • CosmicGuardianCosmicGuardian Member Posts: 408 ★★★

    Most people are just gonna vote for one's they have, tbh.
    (well, I have almost all of 'em)

    I just find it hilarious that the class that probably needs the most love, tech, isn't even represented.

    The disrespect, lol.

    Personally, I’m really hoping that the exclusion of the tech class means that they have at least 1 or 2 buffs planned for that class between now and the fall. While I could be wrong, I don’t see any other reason why they wouldn’t include tech champs seeing as how there are quite a few in need of a buff of some kind.
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    I just don't like the idea of a community vote just boosting the most op character in the game even more. Be real Ant-man voters.....you will vote Ant-man only for ghost purposes. She is so OP you should have a wasted slot with her using him as a synergy partner.... This will just make ghost stronger and more useful. Agent Venom is in a trash class all by himself in this list in my opinion. Ant-man will win by a landslide and it is 100% people thinking of Ghost
  • Mega_Robot_ManMega_Robot_Man Member Posts: 58
    I want Thor Jane foster because I have a five star and I only have seven of those so she needs a buff
  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    Antman imo has the least use of all of them on offense both utility and damage wise. Im voting him!
  • TesladonTesladon Member Posts: 351 ★★
    Antman’s best utility is as a piece of luggage currently. Buff him please.
  • MityAntMityAnt Member Posts: 152

    I just don't like the idea of a community vote just boosting the most op character in the game even more. Be real Ant-man voters.....you will vote Ant-man only for ghost purposes. She is so OP you should have a wasted slot with her using him as a synergy partner.... This will just make ghost stronger and more useful. Agent Venom is in a trash class all by himself in this list in my opinion. Ant-man will win by a landslide and it is 100% people thinking of Ghost

    I am voting Ant-Man because my man needs it!
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    My first vote is AV. Second is Ant man.
  • BuffBeastBuffBeast Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★★

    I just don't like the idea of a community vote just boosting the most op character in the game even more. Be real Ant-man voters.....you will vote Ant-man only for ghost purposes. She is so OP you should have a wasted slot with her using him as a synergy partner.... This will just make ghost stronger and more useful. Agent Venom is in a trash class all by himself in this list in my opinion. Ant-man will win by a landslide and it is 100% people thinking of Ghost

    Not true at all. I don’t have ghost above 4* and I absolutely suck at playing her. (Good thing I have quake) I also don’t have any of the candidates above 5* except TJF. Honestly I don’t really care which one gets buffed first as long as they all do eventually, but I’m stuck between joe or ant man. Besides, it’s not like ghost is used for all content
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