Hyperions heavy attack misses first punch 2021

Kickasspanda420Kickasspanda420 Member Posts: 6
edited April 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
I have seen old threads about this saying it’s fixed but nothing recent, so I apologize if I shouldn’t have started new thread. I was going through 3.2 EQ for April 2021 and messed up fighting killmonger so I just used my Hyperion that I was saving for jabari panther boss after for a little practice. BUT every time I would parry-heavy, the first hit of the heavy wouldn’t connect and as the second multi punch animation started I would get smacked. Now this path has the resister node so is it the physical resistance doing this and I’m just silly? Because I’ve never seen this happen before with hype. There’s not a “miss” indicator or anything, hype just punches right at him but a fraction of a mm short so as soon as killmonger recovers from parry between first punch and second multiple punch, he is able to just hit me while my heavy animation was happening. Did a duel afterwards and nothing was out of the norm. Thanks for any info everyone. And I’m sorry if I’m just obviously to any ability/node interaction with killmonger. I tried to think it out/googled it and even searched in these forums first but came up with nothing.
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