Loki Rework

Signature ability: God of Mischief
Incoming attacks have an x% chance to miss Loki. If an attack Misses, the opponent is inflicted with a disorient debuff reducing the opponents ability Accuracy by x% for 7 seconds. The chance for an attack to miss increases with sig level.
(Miss animation: Loki creates a decoy and backs out of it, causing his opponent to strike the decoy.)
Trickery (Passive): while Trickery is active Loki gains a 100% chance to reflect all debuffs back on the opponent, this includes any debuffs that were active when Trickery activates and any debuffs the opponent inflicts while Trickery is active. If the opponent is immune to any debuff Loki reflects, they instead receive x amount of burst damage.
Ice Scepter: while Ice Scepter is active, Scepter attacks have a 100% chance to inflict 1 Frostbite charge. Once at 5 frostbite charge all charges detonate dealing x amount of energy damage
Knocking the opponent down while Ice Scepter is active refreshed the timer for Ice Scepter (Animation: while Ice Scepter is active Lokis Scepter is covered in Ice)
Persistence charges: any permanent passive buffs loki gains during the fight are stored in the form of Persistence charges (Max Cap: 12)
Buff conversion: whenever Loki Steals a buff dashing back and blocking for 0.4 seconds will convert that buff into a permanent passive. Loki can only stack 3 of each type of buff as a permanent passive.
Light/ Medium hits: both Medium and the second and third light hits are Scepter hits. While ice Scepter is active all Scepter hits inflict a Frostbite charge
Heavy Attacks: Successfully landing a heavy attack will activated Trickery for 7 Seconds. Successfully landing a heavy attack while Trickery is active pauses the timer on Trickery for 1.5 seconds
When Attacked: whenever Loki is hit he gains a 5% chance to activate Trickery for 7 Seconds (this chance increases to 15% against Cosmic Champions and decreases to 0% against Science Champions)
Immunity: bieng a Frost Giant of Jotunhiem Loki gains full Immunity to the effects of Frostbite and Coldsnap
All Special attacks: if Trickery is Active all special attacks are unblockable
Special 1:
Animation: Same
100% Chance to steal 1 active buff on the opponent. If the opponent has no active buffs each hit of this attack is a guaranteed critical hit
Special 2:
Animation: Same
100% Chance to inflict a Coldsnap debuff dealing x amount of damage for 6 Seconds
100% chance to steal 1 active buff from the opponent. If no buffs were active on the opponent all hits are guaranteed critical and Coldsnap gains +4 seconds to its duration.
Special 3:
Animation: the Opponent is surrounded by replicas of Loki who bombard them with energy blasts, then the replicas dissappear and Loki appears covering his Scepter in Ice before striking the Opponent.
100% Chance to inflict Coldsnap dealing x amount of damage for 8 Seconds
100% Chance to activate Ice Scepter for 12 Seconds
If Trickery was active all hits from this attack are critical.
Unique Synergies
Children of Odin: Loki/Thor/Thor (Ragnarok)/ Angela
Loki: Trickery gains an additional 5 Seconds to its duration
Thor: gains a 4 permanent Cruelty passives each increasing critical damage by x%. In addition all both Medium hits are guaranteed critical
Thor (Ragnarok): Boon of the gods activates for every 20 hits on the combo meter or whenever struck 15 times and the Max Stacks increases to 4.
Angela: Angela gains a permanent True Strike passive allowing all attacks to ignore evade, autoblock and Armor rating
Overshadowed: Loki/Odin
Loki: gain 2 permanent cruelty buffs each increasing critical damage by x%
Odin: Unique buffs gain an additional 6 seconds to thier duration
Avoiding Death: Loki/Hela
Loki: Ice Scepter gains an additional 3 seconds to its duration
Hela: Medium hits are Unblockable
Lies and Tricks: Loki/ Mephisto
Loki: gains true accuracy while Trickery is active ignoring Evade, Autoblock, Armor and Resistances
Mephisto: Aura of Incineration gains and additional 4 seconds to its duration
Signature ability: God of Mischief
Incoming attacks have an x% chance to miss Loki. If an attack Misses, the opponent is inflicted with a disorient debuff reducing the opponents ability Accuracy by x% for 7 seconds. The chance for an attack to miss increases with sig level.
(Miss animation: Loki creates a decoy and backs out of it, causing his opponent to strike the decoy.)
Trickery (Passive): while Trickery is active Loki gains a 100% chance to reflect all debuffs back on the opponent, this includes any debuffs that were active when Trickery activates and any debuffs the opponent inflicts while Trickery is active. If the opponent is immune to any debuff Loki reflects, they instead receive x amount of burst damage.
Ice Scepter: while Ice Scepter is active, Scepter attacks have a 100% chance to inflict 1 Frostbite charge. Once at 5 frostbite charge all charges detonate dealing x amount of energy damage
Knocking the opponent down while Ice Scepter is active refreshed the timer for Ice Scepter (Animation: while Ice Scepter is active Lokis Scepter is covered in Ice)
Persistence charges: any permanent passive buffs loki gains during the fight are stored in the form of Persistence charges (Max Cap: 12)
Buff conversion: whenever Loki Steals a buff dashing back and blocking for 0.4 seconds will convert that buff into a permanent passive. Loki can only stack 3 of each type of buff as a permanent passive.
Light/ Medium hits: both Medium and the second and third light hits are Scepter hits. While ice Scepter is active all Scepter hits inflict a Frostbite charge
Heavy Attacks: Successfully landing a heavy attack will activated Trickery for 7 Seconds. Successfully landing a heavy attack while Trickery is active pauses the timer on Trickery for 1.5 seconds
When Attacked: whenever Loki is hit he gains a 5% chance to activate Trickery for 7 Seconds (this chance increases to 15% against Cosmic Champions and decreases to 0% against Science Champions)
Immunity: bieng a Frost Giant of Jotunhiem Loki gains full Immunity to the effects of Frostbite and Coldsnap
All Special attacks: if Trickery is Active all special attacks are unblockable
Special 1:
Animation: Same
100% Chance to steal 1 active buff on the opponent. If the opponent has no active buffs each hit of this attack is a guaranteed critical hit
Special 2:
Animation: Same
100% Chance to inflict a Coldsnap debuff dealing x amount of damage for 6 Seconds
100% chance to steal 1 active buff from the opponent. If no buffs were active on the opponent all hits are guaranteed critical and Coldsnap gains +4 seconds to its duration.
Special 3:
Animation: the Opponent is surrounded by replicas of Loki who bombard them with energy blasts, then the replicas dissappear and Loki appears covering his Scepter in Ice before striking the Opponent.
100% Chance to inflict Coldsnap dealing x amount of damage for 8 Seconds
100% Chance to activate Ice Scepter for 12 Seconds
If Trickery was active all hits from this attack are critical.
Unique Synergies
Children of Odin: Loki/Thor/Thor (Ragnarok)/ Angela
Loki: Trickery gains an additional 5 Seconds to its duration
Thor: gains a 4 permanent Cruelty passives each increasing critical damage by x%. In addition all both Medium hits are guaranteed critical
Thor (Ragnarok): Boon of the gods activates for every 20 hits on the combo meter or whenever struck 15 times and the Max Stacks increases to 4.
Angela: Angela gains a permanent True Strike passive allowing all attacks to ignore evade, autoblock and Armor rating
Overshadowed: Loki/Odin
Loki: gain 2 permanent cruelty buffs each increasing critical damage by x%
Odin: Unique buffs gain an additional 6 seconds to thier duration
Avoiding Death: Loki/Hela
Loki: Ice Scepter gains an additional 3 seconds to its duration
Hela: Medium hits are Unblockable
Lies and Tricks: Loki/ Mephisto
Loki: gains true accuracy while Trickery is active ignoring Evade, Autoblock, Armor and Resistances
Mephisto: Aura of Incineration gains and additional 4 seconds to its duration
This looks like a solid idea. I don't know if I feel like the debuff bounce-back mechanic suits a Mystic, but I see where you're coming from lore-wise. I also like the way you incorporated his icy side. It's so obvious that it should always have been a part of him - just look at his SP2! But maybe he came out before Iceman and the whole Coldsnap/Frostbite mechanic?
One thing: I might be wrong, but I think SP3s are non-critical in nature so I don't think the Trickery interaction would work. It might be better to just go with "every hit deals an extra X amount of damage" instead.