Mystic Rank Up

Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 275
I am debating which mystic character to rank up. I have a six star claire voyant that I could bring to r2 (unawakened), a symbiote supreme I could bring to 5/65 (also unawakened), and a sorcerer supreme I could bring to 5/65.

I do have a five star awakening gem but it is generic and I do not know if sym or sorc awakened abilities are worth it.

The content I am trying to focus on will be 6.2 and beyond and variants 5 and 6. My current r5's are Blade, Ghost, AA, CMM, and Guilly 2099.

Mystic Rank Up 42 votes

Claire (unawakened)
SiddhantKwatraZynskiStagedear85RookiieRockypantherxJimmyBKill_GreyAkkarin23TMNT0080DeaconSarvanga1_AMS94Thoye3NockoTalharajpootSidbelieberCharlie21540ŘïdđhįmaNOOBis235Shenk 31 votes
Sorcerer Supreme (could awaken, but probably won't since it is a generic gem)
AstoundsIronGladiator22Carracho01BuffBeastShock29TRDSJBHJ12345___anaLysis_Riptide 8 votes
Sym Supreme (same as sorc)
Blackshadow0203HoitadoNegative_100 3 votes


  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,228 ★★★★★
    Sorcerer Supreme (could awaken, but probably won't since it is a generic gem)
    Do you use suicides?
  • Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 275
    I do have suicides, but lately I have just preferred having them turned off.
  • Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 275
    edited May 2021
    I have heard that sym and sorc are really good for act 6, is Claire better than them for that content, especially the champion boss? Same goes for variants
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Sparx265 said:

    I do have suicides, but lately I have just preferred having them turned off.

    Probably go Sorcerer then tbh. She's the better champ without suicides imo.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Claire (unawakened)
    For Champion boss Symbiote Supreme is probably the best out of these 3, but he's a niche type champion who u won't need every day, but when he's good fr a fight, noone else is better than him
    Don't have much to say about Sorcerer except that her regen on block ability seems like a great utility, but she also seems like a champ u won't use everyday
    BWCV will serve u well in a variety of content
    Only Symbiote Supreme is the one out of these 3 who benefits a lot from his awakened ability & a decently high sig level, but I won't suggest giving him a generic gem
    Other 2 don't need to be duped at all
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