Can a challenge be made exclusively for Cavalier players?
Well you have the cav eq, then some sq's have difficulties locked, Abyss as well is for cav and above. Last month you had some exclusive objectives from the sq
Progression points are throughout this game, for example variants open at certain levels, the event Quest opens up more levels for uncollected and Cavalier players. Part of progression is allowing a player to access more otherwise what exactly are you progressing through?
You have a challenge. Become thronebreaker. Do every piece of content that gives you t5cc and become thronebreaker. They will not go away and you will get the challenges when you get the title. From the top of my head, you can get 5,75 t5cc (of which 4 are fully formed) before you become thronebreaker. Thrust me, if you are not able to do content that gets you the stuff for thronebreaker you are not ready for the challenges.
With all due respect, the unit/item cost for some of these challenges exceeds what you’d need to get from Cavalier to Thronebreaker. Perhaps you might reconsider your priorities.
Unless you’ve done everything apart from form a T5CC…
Cav players have a ton of content to do (act 6, act 7, variants, abbys &exploring them all)
They will not go away and you will get the challenges when you get the title.
From the top of my head, you can get 5,75 t5cc (of which 4 are fully formed) before you become thronebreaker.
Thrust me, if you are not able to do content that gets you the stuff for thronebreaker you are not ready for the challenges.
Unless you’ve done everything apart from form a T5CC…