HELP! Torn between which Mystic to R5/R2!

Hi guys, a few Mystic cats/iso-8 are soon to expire so the time has come to use them. Please consider the following:
1 - My current top Mystics are 5* R5 Doom (duped x20) and R5 BWCV (unduped)
2- Progression wise I am Cavalier, haven't touched 6.2 onwards but have completed (not explored) Variants 3 to 7, about to do Variant 2. Not interested in doing Abyss but maybe someday.
3- Not currently running suicides.
4- Not running Mystic Dispersion but have all that is needed to run 3 ranks of MD if necessary.
5 - My personal inclination is to R5 Symbiote Supreme (heard h's a counter to 6.2 Champion), but 6* are the future and that duped DM and the prospect of an awesomely buffed Hood is holding me down. I just want to invest on whomever will be more useful to help me clear content 6.2 and beyond.
1 - My current top Mystics are 5* R5 Doom (duped x20) and R5 BWCV (unduped)
2- Progression wise I am Cavalier, haven't touched 6.2 onwards but have completed (not explored) Variants 3 to 7, about to do Variant 2. Not interested in doing Abyss but maybe someday.
3- Not currently running suicides.
4- Not running Mystic Dispersion but have all that is needed to run 3 ranks of MD if necessary.
5 - My personal inclination is to R5 Symbiote Supreme (heard h's a counter to 6.2 Champion), but 6* are the future and that duped DM and the prospect of an awesomely buffed Hood is holding me down. I just want to invest on whomever will be more useful to help me clear content 6.2 and beyond.
HELP! Torn between which Mystic to R5/R2! 34 votes
None of them are bad options, Tigra is just my personal preference.
Once you learn how to use her (Tigra), I'm sure you'd love playing her a lot, those red numbers are satisfying to see.
My mystic roster are similar, Doom/BWCV at r5, SS/Supreme/ Dragon man and few others at r4. I completed Act 6 and I think SS, Supreme, Dragon man and Tigra are all useful for your initial clearance. In fact their usage are quite different and not comparable e.g. SS to nullify buff, DM on biohazard, Tigra for damage etc. Since your Tigra is 6* and thus I’d put more weight on her.
Before I explain anything else I definitely suggest taking mystic dispersion to level 3 even if you weren’t doing to rank up any of these champions. It’s super helpful for Claire, doom, and the majority of the rank up options.
Now on to the other choices, I’ve got a 5* r4 sorcerer who I enjoy but isn’t going to rank 5. She’s got interest utility that’s really helpful in some scenarios but I wouldn’t rank 5 her unless she was your only good options.
We have no idea when hood is getting buffed (if even) so I wouldn’t hold out for him.
Dragon man is pretty good but in my opinion he’s the worst of the bunch other than hood. He just doesn’t do anything particularly better than the other options.
Tigra is a really ingesting character who would probably be my second choice because she’s so good if you can play her well, I definitely suggest taking her up next.
And lastly, who I voted for was sym supreme. Sym supreme is by far the best champion to bring in when the opponent has a million buffs. He shuts down so so many buff heavy nodes and champions and he gets easy to play the more buffs the opponent has. If I had your roster I’d rank 5 sym supreme and then use him in fights with a bunch of buffs, doom in fights that I don’t want the opponent throwing specials or I need power control for another reason, and Claire in fights where you want her utility.