All I Needed Was Mutant

All I needed was mutant t4c, so I opened t4c crystals. It was the only catalyst I wasn't maxed or near maxed on.
After my first pull yielded zero mutants out of 10 spins, I should have known this was going to be an odd one.
This post is a bug pointing out there isn't fair odds in this game, and this image proves it. Oh, and there's a surprise at the end too.
If anyone ever needs a reminder how rigged this game "randomizer" is, see the attached image. There you go. 85/90 spins failed on a 1:6 chance odds. All I needed was mutant and I got only FIVE. Fair odds would have been 15 of them from 90 pulls.
Science dictates that any one spin in a casino game, and it is a gamble. However as sample size increases, odds are supposed to resemble the true odds. In this case, 90 pulls should have some resemblance of the true odds the game provides, which clearly aren't even 1:6 ratios.
Now in case you think I've overlooked the obvious, I can count. 90 pulled t4c crystals. Yet the counter shows over 220 t4c. Before anyone freaks, I have a screenshot showing only 85 are in my overflow, not several hundred. So surprise, there's a visual bug I'm reporting too!!! I'm sure Kabam are gonna focus on that minor bug only, when the reality is the whole odds are broke AF.

After my first pull yielded zero mutants out of 10 spins, I should have known this was going to be an odd one.
This post is a bug pointing out there isn't fair odds in this game, and this image proves it. Oh, and there's a surprise at the end too.
If anyone ever needs a reminder how rigged this game "randomizer" is, see the attached image. There you go. 85/90 spins failed on a 1:6 chance odds. All I needed was mutant and I got only FIVE. Fair odds would have been 15 of them from 90 pulls.
Science dictates that any one spin in a casino game, and it is a gamble. However as sample size increases, odds are supposed to resemble the true odds. In this case, 90 pulls should have some resemblance of the true odds the game provides, which clearly aren't even 1:6 ratios.
Now in case you think I've overlooked the obvious, I can count. 90 pulled t4c crystals. Yet the counter shows over 220 t4c. Before anyone freaks, I have a screenshot showing only 85 are in my overflow, not several hundred. So surprise, there's a visual bug I'm reporting too!!! I'm sure Kabam are gonna focus on that minor bug only, when the reality is the whole odds are broke AF.

I've seen many of our friends complain about having 5-6 science awakening gems, skill awakening gems, collecting dust and etc.
Hopefully the game team takes measures to atleast balance out the RNG.
Working as intended
You cite 0.1% as odds, yet ignore my 5th paragraph. For a single pull or handful of pulls, you aren't wrong. For NINETY pulls, you are full of it. Statistics dictate you are lying to yourself and furthering lies to others.
It's broken.
The odds of opening 90 T4CC crystals and getting exactly five of a targeted class are about one in a thousand (it is one in 951). The odds are actually slightly better at getting five or less: about one in 694 (there are more ways to get five or fewer than there are to get exactly five).
Statistically speaking, then, seeing five or fewer of the class you're targeting out of 90 crystals is unlikely, but not incredibly so. Out of every thousand people attempting the same experiment, I would expect at least one or two people to have the same result on average.
This may seem pedantic, but this is also something people often get confused by. Statistics doesn't tell you the result you're going to get. It only tells you the odds of getting a result. If you think you're seeing something that "proves" the crystals are not random, you first have to ask what the odds of seeing what you're seeing are, and then ask out of all the players playing the game how many are likely to be seeing the same thing. If those odds are incredibly low and are so low it is unlikely anyone has ever, or will ever see that thing, that's worth looking deeper at. But if you're seeing something that one out of 700 people are seeing, and there's probably hundreds of other players, if not thousands, that would have seen the same thing if the crystals were entirely random, then that's unlikely to be convincing evidence of anything.
It was when I detected that change a couple years ago that I stopped trying to disprove the crystal conspiracy people wrong, and just started reporting my drop odds measurements for reference. To the extent that that battle is winnable at all, it has already been won. The rest is unwinnable, and not worth the effort.
So........ How is it broken?
Further, you said "odds are better getting five or less". So you are saying odds get BETTER the FEWER you get? I'm guessing you made a typo here.
I do agree with your number of 1:694 as I found 5 in 90 pulls is 0.143%. However I disagree that it doesn't resemble a sample that would resemble a mean distribution. You said it yourself: this is a "one out of every thousand" spin. For that spin to ALSO match the class I needed, the ONLY class I needed is a significant data point. To ignore that is only half the story.
Also, CoatHang3r had a different inventory setup that my claim. For me to be maxed on everything EXCEPT mutant versus a player who has capacity in all classes is very different.
So this example claiming to debunk my post is apples to oranges. I can show you my champ list too if you want random data points to muddy the topic, we can talk about more off-topic mud. Or how about instead we focus on the data I provided that make a solid claim of distribution flaws?
What if you did. What if you got 20 mutant and less of the others, would RNG still be broken or you wouldn't care at that point?
How many other T4CC crystals have you opened since you started playing and how many of those instances did you get or didn't get what you wanted? Those count along with the 90 but you didn't track them so your data is invalid now. There's nothing wrong with Kabam's RNG unless it didn't give you what you wanted, then it's broken AF.
Do you really think the game looks at your inventory every time you open those crystals and says "FU"?
Tiering does exist, even in the context of the game. Just look at Champion's description. He's set to gain more strength against the best champs in the game (at the time of his release). I'm not naive enough to believe this doesn't figure into the RNG algorithm.
It's speculative and anecdotal, I know, but if you haven't noticed that you generally don't get what you need when it comes to resources, then you've either not been paying attention or you don't play that much.