Looking for alliance

Looking for a 555 alliance preferably 655 and gold 2 I have 10k prestige and 680k rating I have played in tier 6 aw and can play all epic mods for aq


  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 448
    Hello. I am looking for a new recruit. If you use line please hit me up there. My line id is zbot34
  • Colem2220Colem2220 Member Posts: 48
    looking for 6x5 players aq focus 400 mil war optional if your still looking not very active on war gold 3
    You can hit me up in game or on line colem2220
  • June91June91 Member Posts: 18
    We run 5x5 AQ and are currently gold1 looking to hit Platinum hit me up if you’re interested line ID: ssjune91 game ID: SS June91
  • TBP21TBP21 Member Posts: 21
    We're 5x5 280 mil, G2/G1 if you're still looking. Line ID: TBP21
  • BollandBolland Member Posts: 75 ★★★
    If you’re still looking we run Map 5 with optional war. Discord link below:

  • KseniorKsenior Member Posts: 17
    I have found an alliance thanks for everyone’s offers
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