Who among these should I rank-up?

I've been thinking hard on who to rank for quite some time now. It's quite hard to choose from them for me. I know all of them are worth ranking, but who first is the problem.
I'm Uncollected, haven't touched Story quest after it. All of the following will eventually reach Rank 4 of course, but I wish to know who should I focus and rank 4 first.
P.S: I honestly cannot play perfectly with CGR and Magneto. I easily get hit. Mostly because I use Parry + Heavy for Magneto and I've just got CGR, and I'm learning him. As for Corvus, I have him as a maxed 4 star which I often use, and is really easy for me to play with.
I'm Uncollected, haven't touched Story quest after it. All of the following will eventually reach Rank 4 of course, but I wish to know who should I focus and rank 4 first.
P.S: I honestly cannot play perfectly with CGR and Magneto. I easily get hit. Mostly because I use Parry + Heavy for Magneto and I've just got CGR, and I'm learning him. As for Corvus, I have him as a maxed 4 star which I often use, and is really easy for me to play with.
Who among these should I rank-up? 28 votes
Post edited by Kabam Dijon on
Already, Guardian and Archangel have gone to rank 4 making him wait and when I think now is the time to finally get him to rank 4, comes CGR and Corvus.... CGR is now already at rank 3. I have a severe lack of ISO, and hence Corvus is yet in rank 2.
2. CGR
3. Corvus