My man, every champ that is not meta is basically useless, we could say iron man infinity war is good, but in the current state of the game he is useless, same as Gwen pool.
My man, every champ that is not meta is basically useless, we could say iron man infinity war is good, but in the current state of the game he is useless, same as Gwen pool.
That’s a ridiculous definition of the word useless. By definition, she has a lot of uses. Access to at least 5 different debuffs, really good damage, ability accuracy reduction, solid immortality ability, decent synergies, I could go on....
That’s a ridiculous definition of the word useless. By definition, she has a lot of uses. Access to at least 5 different debuffs, really good damage, ability accuracy reduction, solid immortality ability, decent synergies, I could go on....
She has 1 slightly useful synergy. The others barely do anything.
My man, every champ that is not meta is basically useless, we could say iron man infinity war is good, but in the current state of the game he is useless, same as Gwen pool.