Rank up Help

Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 275
edited May 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I just finished variant 7 and got a mystic 4-5 gem. I have to rank ups I need help on.

With the Mystic gem I am debating taking up either magik or sorcerer supreme (neither of which are awakened). I currently have a six star r1 claire, and a r5 SS. I also have sasquatch who is awakened.

I also have enough materials to r2 a six star or r5 another five star. I am currently debating if I should take up colossus (sig 21, but could raise to 100), moleman (sig 20 but could raise to 140), or warlock, who is an unawakened six star. My only notes are that I do not have a five star omega red, and I also already have guilly 2099 and ghost at r5. Any help would be great!


  • Jr_StarkJr_Stark Member Posts: 182 ★★
    Personally, Warlock to R2 first and mystic rank up gem on Sorcerer Supreme.
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