Red Goblin R3?

Should i Rank 3 and awaken Red Goblin? (My Cosmic roster is kinda dry)
I am sitting on two awakening gems and two t5 cosmic catalysts. Unlike most people i don't have a problem wiith his playstyle also i think he could be a candidate for a "numbers tweak" but even if he doesn't get one, his ability to not let the opponent to ever get to the sp3 is imo good enough utility next to the decent damage and incinerate immunity. What do you think?

I am sitting on two awakening gems and two t5 cosmic catalysts. Unlike most people i don't have a problem wiith his playstyle also i think he could be a candidate for a "numbers tweak" but even if he doesn't get one, his ability to not let the opponent to ever get to the sp3 is imo good enough utility next to the decent damage and incinerate immunity. What do you think?

Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
But rank 3? Hell yeah!
But if I were you, I'd wait for a lil more time.
However... I have him awakened and staying firmly at r1. I have Corvus, CGR, Cull, Red goblin, Heimdall, Carnage, BB, airwalker, venompool and Ronan as 6 stars though... And run suicides.
If you had 5* or 6* Odin or Heimdall, he'd, maybe, be worth it as you have Angela ranked, but even then, can't see where you'll use him.
He's just not that good compared to so many others in the cosmic class. You pull Corvus, Angela, CGR, Medusa (now she's coming out), venom, cull, CMM; they are all r3 worthy without question. Red goblin is a borderline case. He's good, just not good enough.
You've already got all the Monster Level Cosmics as 5 Stars Ranked Up, on top of that using the Fun "Non-Meta" Champions also helps avoid Burnout.
Personally I only Rank Up the 6 Stars that Need the boost or I Enjoy Playing, so for example I kept Magneto/Prof X at Rank 1 because they can handle their Matchups just fine at Rank 1 but Rank 2ed Gambit because it helps his Overall Damage while having Solid Overall Utility and he very well may be my first Rank 3 since I also have Horseman Mode.
Since you don’t have venom, maybe do it, but I find him be quite ineffective at everything he does.
And I say this as someone who also has 2 cosmic T5CC.
Although if you have an Odin he becomes fairly significantly better.
By the time he gets into his flow in the first fight in act 6 or 7 content, CGR or CMM will already have finished the second.
Play him against WS as he's rank 1 and compare him to your 4* Medusa, hype and cgr..
Red Goblin does Awesome on the Cavalier Monthly Node and Fun as hell in Variants, should do good in AQ since he has plenty of fights to Ramp Up on...
The op, on the other hand, doesn't have decent 6* options, so I can understand the temptation and as a 6* 3/45 he'll hit hard. But monthly EQ, or AQ? I'd rather use his 5/65 angela, hype or CGR. They'll do it faster and safer.
His armor breaks are easily accessible and his incinerates are potent as well.
I used a generic 6* AG and took my Roblin up to R3. Every time I say *whew glad I had my Roblin with me.
He is also capable of soling abyss champions.
Incinerate immune
Spidey evade counter
Power burn immune
I do think the problem with him is the damage potential is closer to the end of quest and when you have 5 charges it feels less satisfying to use him before those 5 charges.
People will tell you CGR is the better champ and wait for him. But as you play the two, you will find that Red Goblin just checks off more boxes over and over again.
When you add Odin!! Bro; he became a force to be reckoned with.
But my point was the "Of Legends" Quests are a poor judge for his type of Playstyle, the Resetting Monthly Quests and Variants are better case and something we're always doing.
He also has great BP.
I’m surprised no one has asked this but are you thronebreaker? If you’re not and you enjoy him, go for it. I personally feel like if you enjoy him period, go for it but other wise, it’s not worth it at all. Those resources are too precious for you to spend them on a meh champion if you’re not fully committed.
I really enjoy using him effectively by a specific strategy:
Step 1: At the start of fight get your power to SP1 and use the SP1 right after finishing a combo with a light attack. that gives you Energize Buff to boost your power gain (do this twice).
Step 2: After that do the SP2 attack right after finishing a Medium Attack to receive a Fury Buff, adding additional Attack Rating to your Red Goblin.
Step 3 (important): After you have 2 Energize and 1 (or more) Fury Buffs, straight up go for an Aptitude Buff by Using an SP1 or SP2 attack while charging or after hitting an opponent with a Heavy Attack.
Aptitude is OP since it boosts the potency of your Fury AND Energize Buffs. Potency basically means your buffs are more effective (for example: normal energize gives you 60% more power gain rate, but Aptitude and Energize give you 75% Power Gain Rate.). Once you have all necessary buffs, you can straight up blast the opponent easily and do the steps in cycles to win super fast.
With this strategy i have reached from 4.2 to 5.1 (first quest) in only few days.
This is my current status of Exploring all of Act 4:
Absolutely r3 Roblin, but don’t awaken him. He doesn’t benefit as much from it as other cosmic champs.