Killmonger enthusiasts

Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
Hi all,

I recently pulled a 6* killmonger.. and I gotta say I have really enjoyed playing him! I wanted to know other killmonger players opinions/experiences with this guy.

1) champions that you can’t seem to get the true strike on... I have found a handful of champs that I just can’t seem to get it to activate.. (Howard the duck sp1, cap marvel og sp1 & 2, ect..) are there strategies to help with getting it or just a quirk flaw of the character? What character to avoid that you would need the true strike on?

2) how much better is his damage duped? I have found his damage to be average or slightly above average unduped. I have a skill t5cc and have been contemplating r3, but not sure if I should pull the trigger before the dupe (that may never happen lol)

3) just general impression and what you love using km for!


  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    1. Use his counterpunch charges to go unstoppable on block so you can active the true strike, so pretty much just block their sp and then dash in because you are unstoppable
    2. Damage is better duped, I believe it's around a 100% base attack increase at max sig when there is TS and Reverberation but not that bad without dupe
    3. KM is an all-around champion, he can do a ton but he is really good at Story and War
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★
    Congrats dude!

    1. They are handful that it is tricky on.... for Cap Marvel, just wait a split second to counter and you should be fine. I’ve never tried HTD, so I’m not sure of him. OG Spidey and Sym Spideys SP1 can be tricky to get it on also. I highly suggest running Winter Solider with him so you can have true strike for the entire fight.

    2. Personally, I would r3 him in a heartbeat! His damage is very noticeable dupes and high sig, but not required. Firing his sp2 with TS and reverb active means huge damage.

    3. I personally think KM is a top 5 skill easily because of his utility and above average damage. I use him all the time, everytime. He is the MVP for Skill Cav EQ because of true strike. 3 months straight. I have soloed all paths using him and had issues. I find him extremely helpful against Me. Fantastic because his weird wva
  • BuffBeastBuffBeast Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★★
    For 1, try standing closer or changing the timing in which you dash in. I find quite a bit of times I might be dashing in too quickly after the special.
    2. He definitely gets a good damage increase, however I would probably r3 him without dupe anyway.
    3. I enjoy using him for fights in which there’s annoying evaders or auto blockers or fights where his damage ramps up (ex. Cav EQ)
    I’ll @Rockypantherx because he can definitely add on more than me
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★

    Congrats dude!

    1. They are handful that it is tricky on.... for Cap Marvel, just wait a split second to counter and you should be fine. I’ve never tried HTD, so I’m not sure of him. OG Spidey and Sym Spideys SP1 can be tricky to get it on also. I highly suggest running Winter Solider with him so you can have true strike for the entire fight.

    2. Personally, I would r3 him in a heartbeat! His damage is very noticeable dupes and high sig, but not required. Firing his sp2 with TS and reverb active means huge damage.

    3. I personally think KM is a top 5 skill easily because of his utility and above average damage. I use him all the time, everytime. He is the MVP for Skill Cav EQ because of true strike. 3 months straight. I have soloed all paths using him and had issues. I find him extremely helpful against Me. Fantastic because his weird wva

    OG spidey & Sym Spidey cn give easy true strike...just block the webs, dash back a little & punish after the uppercut
    Even if the special is unblockable u cn block the webs....try to have low distance between KM & Spidey as with more distance it will be hard to dash back after webs to avoid the uppercut
    KM is my fvrt spidermen counter after venom
  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★

    I unlike the other people here, I am upset because i really like KM's kit and animations. However, unduped, his damage is sooo underwhelming. He really is noodle tier in terms of damage when unduped and duping him and getting sigs as a 6 star is pretty difficult. If he would get a numbers tune up or something i would definitely rank him up myself.

    Completely agree with this. A tune up of his damage and I would easily run him on my quest teams consistently!
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    1) You can use counterpunch charges to punish most of those champs, except the marvels SP1, I’m not actually sure that’s possible

    2) The damage is definitely better duped, and the more sigs the better, but I took my 5* to R4 unduped, then the 6* to R2 unduped, and finally the 6* to R3 unduped. And I never felt the damage to be particularly lacking. It’s not...impressive by any means but fights never felt like they lagged

    3) Still one of the best evade and autoblock counters, east intercepting, and the indestructible charges are really useful for certain high power gain scenarios
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I like him, although I only have my 5* at r4 and haven't brought him into any tougher content to see how he fares. He's definitely on my list of champs to r5, but not at the very top of it. However, I feel like he would slot in really well with my Void, and if I take Black Panther up to r5 as well he'll have even more useful synergies. I'm still waiting for a Winter Soldier buff before I start thinking about ranking him up, but I really like that synergy. Killmonger's True Strike is so good, I just wish the WS synergy was the way it worked in his base kit. But at least he has that synergy.

    But I love the safety net of those indestructible charges. You can just activate them and not having to worry about baiting out any special attacks from the opponent since you'll survive almost everything they throw at you anyway. It feels amazing.
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  • Ng_111Ng_111 Member Posts: 12
    I have him 5* duped max.
    I use him extensively even before I dupe him.
    He is great even before dupe.
    To me the difference is reverberation after dupe.
    I use him with void and WS.
    He hit hard even against bleed immune champ and great against annoying evade.
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  • IrakliIrakli Member Posts: 149
    He was fun to use in the side quest vs black panther in chapter 3, sharpened claws node gives you two bars of power through the block, just spam sp2.
  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    AlexBossu said:

    Synergy with void is crazy

    I was looking for 6.2.3 guide and here's what I found.
    This is so much

  • Darkn3ssDarkn3ss Member Posts: 3
    Im a big fan of KM i have him at rank 3 sig 60 and he packs a lot of utility. unfortunately from my reading he gains a lot of damage from a high sig, so im still working on getting there, but he definitely gets a lot of use from me, his true strike and counterpunch just embarasses most match ups... and coupled with the synergies he gets from void and the classic black panther just can't be beat. being able to get that stupid big bleed twice in a fight is incredible. he is one of my most used champs for AW attack and with the HT synergy he is my A+ counter to Thing Boss.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Rank 5’d mine.
    Used him before dupe, used him after.

    Great pull, congrats
  • gforcefangforcefan Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    AlexBossu said:

    Synergy with void is crazy

    This synergy and several others are great. ST synergy allows ST to bypass all types of things, like masochism, shrug off defenders, etc.
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Let's not forget that the synergy with Void is amazing, for Void too! I run both 5R5s with max sig and I am seriously considering taking my 6* unduped KM to R3 as well. It's hard to find a better duo of champs in the game.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,953 ★★★★★
    Like some other people said, use the counterpunch charges from his sp1 to counter specials that are hard to get the true strike on. I have a duped 5* and 6* killmonger who are both at pretty low sigs and I haven’t seen too much of a damage increase from unduped to low sig. There is a big increase when he gets to high sig though. If I’m being honest, I almost never use him because he hits like a noodle compared to the other skill champions who do the same thing as him.
  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    To everyone who suggested counter punch... I totally had not thought of using that to get the true strike. I will definitely play around with it!
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,883 ★★★★★
    I pack him on the old pentanity team: KM, OR, Sabre, Void, WS when I do paths for fun. He is awesome champ, and would be even better if his bleed refresh gave furies towards the debuff-expire cav node. But thats asking for too much
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    Hits like a chicken 🐓 (unduped) :(
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