I finally hit Thronebreaker!

Summoners, Moderators, Administrators, Guardians,
I implore you. Celebrate with me. It has been a long arduous journey, filled with troll roles, burnt revives, misclicks, and tyranny but I made it.
A couple days ago, I was on the road to Thronebreaker. I had a good idea of who I was going to rank up (t5cc allowing) and was fairly optimistic. I spun a basic crystal. It rolled. Doctor Doom, Gamora, Antman, Groot, Yellow Jacket, and...

COSMIC GHOST RIDER! I was beyond elated. Instead of my unawakened Corvus I was going to bring this bad boi up.
A few days later I explored 7.1. Excited for the nexus I popped it open. I saw Vulture, as well as Luke Cage and was pretty happy. But then...

I awakened him?!! I was happy for the prestige and utility, as well as shocked that I pulled a great champion twice in a row. (My six star before this guy was Cyclops and after I got a five star Groot).
Now all that was left was the 25% t5cc crystal. After having selected cosmic from the exploration selector, I was 78% of the way to a Cosmic t5cc. I was expecting tech or something I didn't need from the t5cc crystal, but it 'troll rolled' onto Cosmic. Needless to say I was speechless.
I am now happily Thronebreaker with a Rank 3 Level 3 CGR because I have no iso. El Oh El.

Thank you for reading, and may the t5cc be ever in your favour.
I implore you. Celebrate with me. It has been a long arduous journey, filled with troll roles, burnt revives, misclicks, and tyranny but I made it.
A couple days ago, I was on the road to Thronebreaker. I had a good idea of who I was going to rank up (t5cc allowing) and was fairly optimistic. I spun a basic crystal. It rolled. Doctor Doom, Gamora, Antman, Groot, Yellow Jacket, and...

COSMIC GHOST RIDER! I was beyond elated. Instead of my unawakened Corvus I was going to bring this bad boi up.
A few days later I explored 7.1. Excited for the nexus I popped it open. I saw Vulture, as well as Luke Cage and was pretty happy. But then...

I awakened him?!! I was happy for the prestige and utility, as well as shocked that I pulled a great champion twice in a row. (My six star before this guy was Cyclops and after I got a five star Groot).
Now all that was left was the 25% t5cc crystal. After having selected cosmic from the exploration selector, I was 78% of the way to a Cosmic t5cc. I was expecting tech or something I didn't need from the t5cc crystal, but it 'troll rolled' onto Cosmic. Needless to say I was speechless.
I am now happily Thronebreaker with a Rank 3 Level 3 CGR because I have no iso. El Oh El.

Thank you for reading, and may the t5cc be ever in your favour.
Thank you guys!
I wish I could Pull Mutant T5CC for my Apocalypse...
Congrats to you man. Punisher is awesome
Once you learn the order, he can do massive damage.
Good luck with that. Just r3 my 6* Apocalypse. His damage is crazy. I play him with my 6* Cable, 5* Wolverine. Deadly combo. Next, I want to bring my 6* Cable to r2 then r3 cause he also does great damage!!
Dr. Zola
Doom and Sorcerer Supreme are rank2.. Longshot, Symbiote Supreme, and Dragonman are good options for rank2 or rank3.. Hood is good but im waiting for Kabam rework and hope it makes him better. maybe Dormammu will get number buff, and Ebony Maw becomes a champion that is worthy of the Black Order.
Congrats for the TB as well.