What can we expect from July 4th?

I am just wondering based on last years deals and the progression of the player base what we can expect for specifically cavalier and thronebreaker deals this year. Of course no one knows for sure but I am curious as to what people think.
I am worried though that the deals are going to be padded out with practically valueless R4 resources that we won’t be able to use for months, probably not even this year.
Also I hope they increase the units in arena after july 4th. Tgis convenient reduction before this major event culd be a legit and faur strategy, but I hope they will make arenas more profittable again sooner than in this fall
Cav and below:
-class 6* nexus selector
-6* awakening gem crystal/selector
-bit of t6/t3a
-347.892 gold
....at bare minimum