War and recruiting

UghzyUghzy Member Posts: 86
Is war becoming a bad word when it comes to recruiting?

I've been an alliance leader for about 4 years... we run 2 bgs for aq and war. Now I know that can be a bit more limiting in terms of prospects... but as the months and years have passed it sure seems like the fact that we do war at all is becoming more and more of a negative than a positive and I am finding it tougher and tougher to find new people.

So I'm just curious if other war alliance officers are seeing the same thing? Are alliances that used to do war backing away from it? Are summoner "free agents" generally ignoring alliances that do war?

What are you experiencing?


  • Slappyo1Slappyo1 Member Posts: 3
    In My alliance war is definitely not something we worry about 1bg in season only. The rewards suck for war better to concentrate on AQ
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★
    we too run one BG during War and it's itemless. i've noticed a HUGE drop in interest. out of the 30, we have literally just about 10 who even want to put up with War. #1, the rewards in tiers that aren't Master/Plat are worthless for the season long grind. #2, the defender/node behavior in War is just so inconsistent.

    i War just to get the loyalty but i definitely don't enjoy it as many in my alliance don't. but those of us who do War try to make the most of it.
  • UghzyUghzy Member Posts: 86
    If you're (even hypothetically) searching for a new alliance home, would mandatory wars be an instant no?
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★
    for me, no. but for a LOT of people absolutely yes.
  • Little_Crocodili29Little_Crocodili29 Member Posts: 349 ★★★
    Have run into this more and more. But last month the refusals were worrying. About 6 really good potential recruits I talked to were on board with everything except when told we play AW they backed out. Not even the fact we chill in G2 could convince them. Real deal breaker.
  • UghzyUghzy Member Posts: 86
    Have any alliance leaders/officers been forced to switch to a no war model, just to make sure you can find bodies?
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