How is sasquatch with quake?? Does she handle him well on lifecycle?? And how important are potions ..shall i farm them??
I’ve looked at the fights that this guy used Cable for, and I think the main reason he brought him is because his Cable is R3. My AA is R3, and I think he’ll be more useful than Cable.
So because I don’t trust my Quake skills to finish Sasquatch, I can use AA who will finish him with zero problems.
That leaves me with an additional spot, I’m split between Mags and Namor.
for Nightcrawler i used apoc, yes ghost is better but mah man needed more action.
Does Force of Will node affect Apocalypse's evade counter ability? The node description makes it sound that accuracy can't be reduced, while Apocalypse's ability says it 'bypasses evade' and is not affected by AAR.
with the right team (which u should have if ur attempting it lol) the effort it takes compared to the rewards is genuinely amazing, was very surprised i thought i'd need like 2-3k units
with the right team (which u should have if ur attempting it lol) the effort it takes compared to the rewards is genuinely amazing, was very surprised i thought i'd need like 2-3k units
for Nightcrawler i used apoc, yes ghost is better but mah man needed more action.
Does Force of Will node affect Apocalypse's evade counter ability? The node description makes it sound that accuracy can't be reduced, while Apocalypse's ability says it 'bypasses evade' and is not affected by AAR.
I think Apoc is unaffected by it. I used him throughout the Gauntlet and never had any evasion issues with him.
@TheManMythLegend Will Quake Ghost AA Namor and Wasp a great team? I really don't want to special intercept with ghost . I'm really confident on my Quake skills a so I suppose this team covers everything?
So because I don’t trust my Quake skills to finish Sasquatch, I can use AA who will finish him with zero problems.
That leaves me with an additional spot, I’m split between Mags and Namor.
and, boy, do I appreciate Horseman Cable a lot more now. He was ridiculous for a number of fights.