Gauntlet: thoughts, team and rewards

Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
1st, my team

I used ghost (awakened r3) quake (5-65) archangel (5-65 s200) and wasp and hood for ghost synergies

Doom - quake (solo)
Terrax - quake (solo)
Vision - ghost (solo)
Modok - quake (solo)
Spam - ghost (solo)
Weapon x - archangel (1 revive)
Thing - quake (solo)
Korg - quake (solo)
Dragon man - quake+ghost (team revive) I was just playing really badly here with quake
Bpcw - ghost then quake (1 revive)
Nightcrawler- ghost (solo)
Spidey Gwen - ghost (solo)
Domino - ghost (solo)
Mojo - aa then all (1 revive + team revive) I made the mistake of throwing my team after dying the first time, forgetting his persistent charges
Ibom - ghost (solo)
Apoco - ghost (1 revive) easy fight, went in on low health and messed up an s1 evade
Sassy - quake (solo)
Km - ghost (solo)
Void - ghost (solo)
Nick - quake (solo)
Thanos - ghost (1 revive to missed s2 evade)

Quake and ghost definitely my mvps, happy with the team selection overall

Thoughts on the quest, overall really enjoyed it, health pools were good, wasn’t anything particularly bs in there, but also had a good level of difficulty, would’ve preferred more stuff that countered both ghost and quake however, amd forced more diversity

And now for rewards

Very happy with the results overall


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    edited June 2021
    Definitely feel if I was a better Quaker and made better decisions on mojo and had a bit better luck this was doable reviveless
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    congrats on the nick
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    How do you use ghost against km?
  • MMaqsoodMMaqsood Member Posts: 28

    How do you use ghost against km?

    Also Sasquash solo with Quake with lifeguard?
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    How do you use ghost against km?

    Just only trigger reverb when he’s low on power, had a tech power boost on, block before using sp2 and chain w couple with the furies
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    MMaqsood said:

    How do you use ghost against km?

    Also Sasquash solo with Quake with lifeguard?
    Knock him down when he’s nearly dead, either just before aftershocks or during the aftershock stun and then attack in
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,509 ★★★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    MMaqsood said:

    How do you use ghost against km?

    Also Sasquash solo with Quake with lifeguard?
    Knock him down when he’s nearly dead, either just before aftershocks or during the aftershock stun and then attack in
    Very hard to time it right that was my hardest fight this danm cost me 4k unit because I’m just a bad quacks and wish I’m didn’t bring dusa for vision but that’s in and use narmor for terrax wish I’m didn’t do that either wil had and wished I’m didn’t bring my 6 star ghost undups my 5 star wil had ben way better one void and all. Overall I’m happy I’m spending 4k for the rewards. But culd definitely had done way better. Plush my quack skil is one and of but wil said this was a lot of fun I’m got to use quack and leaning the quack and dexterity style one korg. So happy
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    With no Ghost, I definitely got dunked on by some of the more annoying fights.

    My team:

    5* Warlock
    Mole Man
    5* AA

    Warlock was a mistake. He was originally for Apoc but I forgot what Electric Fluctuations did. In another world I likely brought CapIW, who would have made some of the rougher fights a lot simpler.

    I learned to Quake for this. The one thing I swore I'd never do, and I did it. Even got a few solos, which surprised me. But all in all, just glad it's over. Having no real good option for Nameless Thanos hurt when he chucked L3s around, that's for sure.


    Formed a Cosmic and Skill cat, took a Mystic. No outright uses for these yet, will see down the line.

    6* Vulture dupe, new Sunspot and X-23.

    Nexus: Heim (first dupe), Gulk (double dupe), Night Thrasher (new): Took Night Thrasher.

    Definitely could have been worse, that's all I'll say on the matter.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Gamer said:

    Lvernon15 said:

    MMaqsood said:

    How do you use ghost against km?

    Also Sasquash solo with Quake with lifeguard?
    Knock him down when he’s nearly dead, either just before aftershocks or during the aftershock stun and then attack in
    Very hard to time it right that was my hardest fight this danm cost me 4k unit because I’m just a bad quacks and wish I’m didn’t bring dusa for vision but that’s in and use narmor for terrax wish I’m didn’t do that either wil had and wished I’m didn’t bring my 6 star ghost undups my 5 star wil had ben way better one void and all. Overall I’m happy I’m spending 4k for the rewards. But culd definitely had done way better. Plush my quack skil is one and of but wil said this was a lot of fun I’m got to use quack and leaning the quack and dexterity style one korg. So happy
    Yeah I heard a lot of people saying this fight was a nightmare with quake, was the main reason I decided to bring aa, think I just got lucky on the amount of health he had left after my heavy drop
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,509 ★★★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    Gamer said:

    Lvernon15 said:

    MMaqsood said:

    How do you use ghost against km?

    Also Sasquash solo with Quake with lifeguard?
    Knock him down when he’s nearly dead, either just before aftershocks or during the aftershock stun and then attack in
    Very hard to time it right that was my hardest fight this danm cost me 4k unit because I’m just a bad quacks and wish I’m didn’t bring dusa for vision but that’s in and use narmor for terrax wish I’m didn’t do that either wil had and wished I’m didn’t bring my 6 star ghost undups my 5 star wil had ben way better one void and all. Overall I’m happy I’m spending 4k for the rewards. But culd definitely had done way better. Plush my quack skil is one and of but wil said this was a lot of fun I’m got to use quack and leaning the quack and dexterity style one korg. So happy
    Yeah I heard a lot of people saying this fight was a nightmare with quake, was the main reason I decided to bring aa, think I just got lucky on the amount of health he had left after my heavy drop
    I’m didn’t bring and HEal blok champions so if I’m was use a better team I’m wil spend way less also sucide hurts me in a few fights also mojo stupid. Unlucky but over 4k for those rewards not mad
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Congrats buddy
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    I don’t actually have aa as a 5*, and he’s an unawakened 6*, so should I swap out Red Mags for him?
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    I don’t actually have aa as a 5*, and he’s an unawakened 6*, so should I swap out Red Mags for him?

    Yeah I’d say mags will be better than an unduped aa
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