Even if they went into overflow with a 1-2 hr expiry .. would be better than now .. but overall not the biggest issue with the game at the moment ...
This is kinda like complaining about the door lock in the back seat not working properly when you're at the side of the road, waiting for the tow truck because you're in an accident and your car is mangled ...
The point of the crystals is for you to log in to the game.
I thought that was the point for the log in calendar
There are a lot of points for logging in. . But, I think they should be like the calendar. If you login once a day, the daily crystal should be claimed for that day. I can understand the point of 4 hr crystals, it basically requires you to login every 4 hrs.
I would like to be able to claim it from the button instead of having it send me to the open screen everytime. Make a separate option to open from the claim.
The point of the crystals is for you to log in to the game.
Unfortunately, this.
But, you can make it like the calendar login. You don't need to login at a specific time, you can login once a day and claim both the calendar and the daily crystal.
If not, then it waits unclaimed until you log in
This is kinda like complaining about the door lock in the back seat not working properly when you're at the side of the road, waiting for the tow truck because you're in an accident and your car is mangled ...