Ultrons bugs

Right now just trying to get a thread tallying the bugs with him,
Unresolved bugs
1- the hulk buster synergy now is not triggering on s3, originally it was. At the onset it seemed the 7 sec was not adding to the s2 but I just tested today and it now seems to be working. Yet during my testing today the s3 cauterize 7 sec timer is not triggering.
2- the parry is not triggering the additional function. I still don’t think this is the intent the way it was worded. This is def something I hope that will get fixed.
3 I tested the regen at 50 then 25 it seems to be working on both now. Not sure if anyone still is having this issue but please post here if u do.
Unresolved bugs
1- the hulk buster synergy now is not triggering on s3, originally it was. At the onset it seemed the 7 sec was not adding to the s2 but I just tested today and it now seems to be working. Yet during my testing today the s3 cauterize 7 sec timer is not triggering.
2- the parry is not triggering the additional function. I still don’t think this is the intent the way it was worded. This is def something I hope that will get fixed.
3 I tested the regen at 50 then 25 it seems to be working on both now. Not sure if anyone still is having this issue but please post here if u do.