Mutant Consult

Xguard77Xguard77 Member Posts: 585 ★★★
Taking another Mutant to r3 and have the following options:

Namor (sig 100) - could take him to sig 164. His unique utility to reflect damage is nice.

Red Mags (sig 20) - he's a monster of course. The only content I have left is a few Abyss lanes, and the extra kick at r3 will certainly save some units if I use him there.

Cable (unduped) - I have an r3 Apoc and run Cable a lot for the synergy. His degen damage is nuts, and he would see the most day to day use.

I don't run suicides, and not overly concerned with prestige. I known it's my decision, rank who you like etc - it's just a close call for me and hoping to see some passionate opinions!
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