The Alliance quest crystals, fragment crystals, glory and greater glory crystals all have been useful for me when I had been in dire need for catalysts. The daily quests is often a forgotten way of getting the fragments. Objective crystals and solo objectives too give fragment crystals.
From the frag crystals, glory store, and all the the_beast123 mentioned.
May i ask what's your progression level? Seems you're yet to tackle act 4. T4cc is easily available from glory store of conqueror and up.
Lol no I am actually on 7.1, I just have noticed that the crystals are very unreliable to get the class you need, and was looking for other ways to get them.
From the frag crystals, glory store, and all the the_beast123 mentioned.
May i ask what's your progression level? Seems you're yet to tackle act 4. T4cc is easily available from glory store of conqueror and up.
Lol no I am actually on 7.1, I just have noticed that the crystals are very unreliable to get the class you need, and was looking for other ways to get them. best is the glory store and the t4cc crystal. The frag cystals from solo events are also a good way of getting frags.
Ye, t4cc juggling is pretty anti-fun. I just roll duals in a class I'm overflowing with and hope I'm lucky enough to get something I need. We all know I fail, because it's a Universal Law.
The daily quests is often a forgotten way of getting the fragments.
Objective crystals and solo objectives too give fragment crystals.
May i ask what's your progression level? Seems you're yet to tackle act 4. T4cc is easily available from glory store of conqueror and up. best is the glory store and the t4cc crystal. The frag cystals from solo events are also a good way of getting frags.
I=cF, where c is some constant, and F is failure.