Building and managing an item stash-a comprehensive guide (part 1 revives and health potions)

Erik_Killmonger1001Erik_Killmonger1001 Member Posts: 427 ★★★
building and managing an item stash-a comprehensive guide

hello everyone, so with GM gauntlet and Carina's challenges players item stashes have been significantly depleted, but with 4th July coming up many players do not want to spend units covering content given these offers are often the best seen all year, therefore it is time for another big text guide this time covering building and managing an item stash including acquiring boosts, revives, potions and refills. For part 1 I will largely focus on acquiring and farming of health potions and revives the very basis of stash building and in part 2 (coming soon) I will do a full analysis of boosts usage and value and talk some more general tips of managing inventory space and stashes to prevent items expiring. That being said hope you enjoy and find a new way to farm.

Lets start with perhaps the most sought after, they come in 3 grades 20%-which is the main one you can farm 40%-purchasable for 40 units and occasionally in offers and 60%-very rare and only available through offers. So the most common way to get revives is the 3rd milestone of the 22 hour event granting 3 revives every 4 days. I say 3 rather than 4 because whilst their is a 22hr solo event on every day event quest completion is a notoriously difficult grind and often is ignored by a lot of the player-base.

revives also appear as a rare spawn on quest maps in particular 5.3.6 power reserve path can be cheese completed and seems one of the most consistent places to pick up revives occasionally granting two on the same path. Also act 4 is good for this since the maps are so large that items spawn more frequently. 4.3.6 is also a good grind as you can take a path directly to the fully noded boss to provide a quick way to continually reset the map until revives spawn. Also the 4.1.6 black widow quest is a good grind as it's area and lack of difficulty make it a good target for farming.

Halls of healing-though rare they are always worth the grind as they grant both 40% and 20% revives and the lack of difficulty (consistently sub 15k pi opponents) make it a good grind however the energy cost is high so you may want save up refills if you know halls of healing are coming.

also when running monthly eq look out for revives particularly on lower maps such as heroic and master again they are rare but since it is often worth doing at least completion of low difficulties for easy units you may as well pick up some revives as well.

marvel insider-though not guaranteed both bundles have yielded some nice extra revives previously and this month (June at time of writing) 3x40% are available via the 125k bundle. Also in the past their have been packs with team revives however this is very rare.
Also side events such as the modok store offer regular revives and sometimes special revive and potion items such as continue coins or poutine however this is also fairly rare and as we have seen with the hang-chi event these may not always be available for use in all content.

health potions
probably the simplest is to grind ROL, it is the easiest for 90% of the player base as each fight when beaten has a chance to drop a lvl 3 health potion or lvl 3 team health potion whilst certainly not the most potent when using 5/65s and 6* r3 the lack of sp3 and 1 energy per tile does make it ideal for farming a lot of them, so you can make up for lack of potency with quantity (unless you are in a situation where item use is capped.) Also with the high increase is defensive stats such as armour and crit resist their are a few champions such as colossus that are capable of winning ROL fights on auto fights allowing you to farm health potion with great ease. I would argue if your champions are not strong enough to auto fight you should alternate between rerunning winter soldier and doing full clears to avoid boredom.

Also the 22hr events yield a single lvl 4 potion in the 4th milestone which at 5,000 health a use is always good to pick up especially since you should be at least grinding to the 4th milestone for the 25 units as a minimum. lvl 1 and lvl2 potions are easy to get as they are a very common spawn on quest maps but again at 375 health a use they really don't do much beyond the midgame unless your using 15-20 at once. However kabam has run exchange events in the past allowing you to trade in lower health potions for more potent ones, I would suggest to keep an eye out for these as you can infinitely farm lvl 3 potion with ease and then convert them to lvl4s to allow you to circumvent the potion cap and also acquire higher tier potions without using units.

Overall free crystals hoarding probably the easiest answer to save up potions and revives however the dependence on RNG does make this quite unreliable and I would still recommend having some units as a safety net. No method of farming is perfect and their is no real secret trick but hopefully with this guide you now know a way to get potions and revives that you didn't before.

Coming in part 2- boosts hoarding and farming (it may take me while as their are only different potencies of revive and health potion whereas their are 5 different types of boosts usable in general questing and they are available in much more numerous ways) as well
as covering how to manage your item stash from optimising times to prevent items expiring to planning boost usage. Stay tuned, stay safe and hope the guide helped :)


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,317 ★★★★★

    Also the 22hr events yield a single lvl 4 potion in the 4th milestone which at 5,000 health

    I think this is for Cavalier progression only.
    Will you add part 2 to this post?
    I've bookmarked it.
  • Erik_Killmonger1001Erik_Killmonger1001 Member Posts: 427 ★★★

    Also the 22hr events yield a single lvl 4 potion in the 4th milestone which at 5,000 health

    I think this is for Cavalier progression only.
    Will you add part 2 to this post?
    I've bookmarked it.
    currently working on it but since their are 5 types of boosts that come in 3 tiers it becomes a fair bit more complex than just looking at where to get revives, hopefully will have it done wednesday/thursday depending on life stuff
  • Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    yeah, from now wait for reduced rng of revives at 4.3.6, 4.1.6 and 5.3.6
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,528 ★★★★★
    edited June 2021
    Hope they don't fix 5.2.6 revives too 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    Any tips on how to grind energy then?
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,881 ★★★★★
    As for RoL speedfarming, a stress-free and fast way is Horseman Colossus. He isn't the absolute best, but he is great. High sustain allows some slipups and giant damage clears fights quickly. I recommend taking Apoc, Sinister/Cable, Colossus, Omega and whichever champ you want - just a mutant. Defeat the first fight w Apoc, make Colossus a horseman and roll
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    bruh... why is this posted here.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    bruh... why is this posted here.

    Do you really think Kabam is unaware of these methods? It's not like they're new.
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