Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking to join a map 5 maybe even 6 alliance that does active war. 6.7k prestige 364k rating.

Add in game ID (Killer354)


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    MFlo_83MFlo_83 Posts: 75
    Added you (ign: MFlo83~1). Discord is required. We run mostly map 5, with some map 6 and are doing two BGs of AW next season.
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    Added you in game, Sanctvm Sanctorvm is a close-knit alliance, we are aq only map 5. Discord is required https://discord.gg/JXUhPcn
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    SprossTheBossSprossTheBoss Posts: 80
    @Killer354 we run 3BG war in season, 1 or 2 off season. Steady gold2 but looking to move up next season. AQ 5x5 typically finishing around 250m points. Line app required, let me know if interested
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