Skywalker champion

IbijIbij Member Posts: 7
Skywalker champion attack special 3 not working
It has no negative armor


  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    Do you mean Air-walker? You can't use his special 3 before winning a few fights with him. What do you mean with negative armor?
  • IbijIbij Member Posts: 7
    Sry , I meaned air walker , his armor is negative, can't activate the sp3 attack
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Dunno what this really means, but I’m taking a guess at it being a lack of ability to use air Walker sp3, in which case read his abilities, not a bug
  • JuanGGJuanGG Member Posts: 11
    Sp3 can be used after 2 fights, stated in his abilities description
  • JuanGGJuanGG Member Posts: 11
    Skywalker :D:D:D his sp3 would be “revenge or the sith” skywalker gives in to the dark side and destroys the opponent, leaves mind control reversing controls and a permanent fury for the rest of the quest.
  • JuanGGJuanGG Member Posts: 11
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