Alright, here I start about how I got here. Gonna be a long post, so please bear with me. Firstly, I'll attach a picture of my roster, so that I don't bring characters out of the blue.
It's Summer, and the Sun is blazing out. You know what else was burning? My envy. I hadn't touched story quests and didn't want to do it any sooner, until I heard this. My friend had completed 4 quests in 5.3. "What! When did you do this?" "Ah, I didn't have anything to do, my XP boosts and energy refills were expiring, so yeah..." was what he told me. Out of spite ( not the one which intends to hurt others), I started doing the quests too. 5.3.1. Already had given a trial run and Guardian was super helpful in these quest paths, the attack reduction is very tiresome. So did the same, and came Mordo. I thought he'd be a cheese with Archangel, but it was not so. Got clipped by the Evade twice. But then finished. Was easy, but yeah...
That was the only quest I had used revives on apart from the 5.4.1. I simply couldn't play Magneto properly against that P2099.
The rest of the quests were a joke, Magneto, Torch, Claire, CAIW, Guardian, Archangel and CGR were swapped often to meet the needs and they all did great.
Fast forwarding to ACT 6 ( To avoid boredom), we're now in 6.1.1 What's it about? No retreat. I thought it should be all CGR and Magneto. But it wasn't. Agent Venom nuked me with his tenacity working almost always. Had to retry the quest 2-3 times. Then Archangel did it with considerable amount of health left. Sabretooth arrives. 'Roar' he did. 'Melt' did my Archangel. ( Used 1 L1 here though).
Now, 6.1.2. I feared this quest a lot for the Ultron boss had EMP modification. Turned out to be a joke when I realized Magneto is resistant to passives too. Easy gaming, easy life. ( No resources used)
6.1.3 Backed up Falcon for the menacing Thing mini-boss. Never bothered about anything, as most of them I consulted considered this quest and the following easy. So did I. But it was not, at least for me. A Kingpin on the path REKT me so badly I had to quit and restart. Came back the fat boi with his belly high in air. Blew all the air out of his stomach with Archangel. The Thing fight was nothing more than a Normal Thing fight, with Falcon. Boy is really awesome after his buff. ( No resources used)
6.1.4 "Loki boss? You're Mystic? Imma Torch you. EZ" [ My Torch was only rank 3, and the Global was close counters] The path was rough, somehow lead the way to the boss. Pre-fight torch did the job. Loki was quite aggressive and was firing specials often. The power stings did the job well. ( Nothing used)
6.1.5 "Ight. We know you are the so called toughest boss in ACT 6.1. But ma Claire do de job. Leggo of me, I wish to Cav soon". the path went all good. The boss, as expected to be a unit dump, was exactly a dump, and I didn't hesitate too. Dumped around 300-ish units at him. Claire did great. [ #ClaireIsTheBestMysticMoments]
Up came the Sentinel to say you Goodbye - Warprince. 6.1.6 By far the worst for me out of this expedition. 1st, I was messing with the paths. Thought the BPCW path should be the easiest. Went for a trial. Got wrecked. Again and again. Searched for other paths. Found I could do the mesmerize one with Falcon. He only couldn't do much of it. Thanks to @winterthur , I realized that the Vigorous assault path isn't that tough actually. Except that SIM with Bane.
The path went fine, and came DA BOSS. I simply played too terribly against him. Got him down to 120k, with all my stash burnt, with a lil more grinding done. Couldn't tolerate any longer. Quit the quest. I was given insight that Torch can build smoulders on his SP1. So, I took him to rank 4 ( I never thought I would do that any time until Abyss, but man, he's super useful, with all the Mystics roaming around and the SQ)
Completed the EQ of this month. Grinded arenas. Prayed for units from Arena crystals. Finally, the day came. 5 L1 revives, and 321 units. The path again, did go decent. Came again the DA BOSS, stared at me, making me shrivel before his might. Played the worst possible once again. Burnt the resources, and this time, got him to 70k heath. Finally, grinded the arenas and hit the L1 rev milestone. Took the shot, put it on Claire, and remembered I have a lot of boosts. Used them. And I finally realized that the boss himself wasn't tough, but it was me who wasn't playing properly. Yet, I throw the blame on that Mad AI of that Sentinel. Boy knew very well, that his Heavies are passively unstoppable when at 100 analysis charges. He would throw them exactly when I charge at him. He even was a master of intercepts.
Glad I got them all down, saving the shards to open them later, around my Birthday. Hope it gives some luck. By then, I would grind more from the SQ too. Hopefully 6 stars from the Cav, and it would be awesome if it were someone like Doom.
Finally, I would like to thank: 1. My alliance, for not having forced me to any wars or AQ's.
3. My friends, who understood my plight and aided me in incursions ( I was hoping to buy the 15k platpool pack for units).
4. The community, for being helpful to me. I was match-making with randomly for Sector 7, and Darkness (not exactly his username, but yeah) proved to be of great help to me. My most sincere thank to you too, sir.
That's all for this expedition guys, will probably come sooner for a 6.2. But it's not gonna come any sooner. Until then, thank you all for having burdened yourself until the end of this blabbering.
Alright, here I start about how I got here. Gonna be a long post, so please bear with me. Firstly, I'll attach a picture of my roster, so that I don't bring characters out of the blue.
It's Summer, and the Sun is blazing out. You know what else was burning? My envy. I hadn't touched story quests and didn't want to do it any sooner, until I heard this. My friend had completed 4 quests in 5.3. "What! When did you do this?" "Ah, I didn't have anything to do, my XP boosts and energy refills were expiring, so yeah..." was what he told me. Out of spite ( not the one which intends to hurt others), I started doing the quests too. 5.3.1. Already had given a trial run and Guardian was super helpful in these quest paths, the attack reduction is very tiresome. So did the same, and came Mordo. I thought he'd be a cheese with Archangel, but it was not so. Got clipped by the Evade twice. But then finished. Was easy, but yeah...
That was the only quest I had used revives on apart from the 5.4.1. I simply couldn't play Magneto properly against that P2099.
The rest of the quests were a joke, Magneto, Torch, Claire, CAIW, Guardian, Archangel and CGR were swapped often to meet the needs and they all did great.
Fast forwarding to ACT 6 ( To avoid boredom), we're now in 6.1.1 What's it about? No retreat. I thought it should be all CGR and Magneto. But it wasn't. Agent Venom nuked me with his tenacity working almost always. Had to retry the quest 2-3 times. Then Archangel did it with considerable amount of health left. Sabretooth arrives. 'Roar' he did. 'Melt' did my Archangel. ( Used 1 L1 here though).
Now, 6.1.2. I feared this quest a lot for the Ultron boss had EMP modification. Turned out to be a joke when I realized Magneto is resistant to passives too. Easy gaming, easy life. ( No resources used)
6.1.3 Backed up Falcon for the menacing Thing mini-boss. Never bothered about anything, as most of them I consulted considered this quest and the following easy. So did I. But it was not, at least for me. A Kingpin on the path REKT me so badly I had to quit and restart. Came back the fat boi with his belly high in air. Blew all the air out of his stomach with Archangel. The Thing fight was nothing more than a Normal Thing fight, with Falcon. Boy is really awesome after his buff. ( No resources used)
6.1.4 "Loki boss? You're Mystic? Imma Torch you. EZ" [ My Torch was only rank 3, and the Global was close counters] The path was rough, somehow lead the way to the boss. Pre-fight torch did the job. Loki was quite aggressive and was firing specials often. The power stings did the job well. ( Nothing used)
6.1.5 "Ight. We know you are the so called toughest boss in ACT 6.1. But ma Claire do de job. Leggo of me, I wish to Cav soon". the path went all good. The boss, as expected to be a unit dump, and I didn't hesitate too. Dumped around 300-ish units at him. Claire did great. [ #ClaireIsTheBestMysticMoments]
Up came the Sentinel to say you Goodbye - Warprince. 6.1.6 By far the worst for me out of this expedition. 1st, I was messing with the paths. Thought the BPCW path should be the easiest. Went for a trial. Got wrecked. Again and again. Searched for other paths. Found I could do the mesmerize one with Falcon. He only couldn't do much of it. Thanks to @winterthur , I realized that the Vigorous assault path isn't that tough actually. Except that SIM with Bane.
The path went fine, and came DA BOSS. I simply played too terribly against him. Got him down to 120k, with all my stash burnt, with a lil more grinding done. Couldn't tolerate any longer. Quit the quest. I was given insight that Torch can build smoulders on his SP1. So, I took him to rank 4 ( I never thought I would do that any time until Abyss, but man, he's super useful, with all the Mystics roaming around and the SQ)
Completed the EQ of this month. Grinded arenas. Prayed for units from Arena crystals. Finally, the day came. 5 L1 revives, and 321 units. The path again, did go decent. Came again the DA BOSS, stared at me, making me shrivel before his might. Played the worst possible once again. Burnt the resources, and this time, got him to 70k heath. Finally, grinded the arenas and hit the L1 rev milestone. Took the shot, put it on Claire, and remembered I have a lot of boosts. Used them. And I finally realized that the boss himself wasn't tough, but it was me who wasn't playing properly. Yet, I throw the blame on that Mad AI of that Sentinel. Boy knew very well, that his Heavies are passively unstoppable when at 100 analysis charges. He would throw them exactly when I charge at him. He even was a master of intercepts.
Glad I got them all down, saving the shards to open them later, around my Birthday. Hope it gives some luck. By then, I would grind more from the SQ too. Hopefully 6 stars from the Cav, and it would be awesome if it were someone like Doom.
Finally, I would like to thank: 1. My alliance, for not having forced me to any wars or AQ's.
3. My friends, who understood my plight and aided me in incursions ( I was hoping to buy the 15k platpool pack for units).
4. The community, for being helpful to me. I was match-making with randomly for Sector 7, and Darkness (not exactly his username, but yeah) proved to be of great help to me. My most sincere thank to you too, sir.
That's all for this expedition guys, will probably come sooner for a 6.2. But it's not gonna come any sooner. Until then, thank you all for having burdened yourself until the end of this blabbering.
It was a long journey wasnt it? @The_beast123 . I read through your story you had archangeal, hyperion, BWCV ect..... To carry you ive just got thing and CMM i dont know what im gonna do tho. Im on hunt for op champs like hyperion, archangel ect.... I will reach cav by end of this year i guess still on act 6.1.1. When u gonna do 6.2? @The_beast123
Shoutout to @Faseeh for making me understand 6.1.2 Ultron is easy, and the Mini-boss Sentinel. Gave me regular insights about what to do. Huge thanks to him!
Hela can come in useful for that heimdall synergy at least. Possibly need that in 6.2.
Well, I don't have a Heimdall above a 3 star, and I have Angela already. If at all I need that synergy, I might use that one. Angela is really great after the buff anyways.
Honorable mention I have Thor rags as a 5 star too. Daughters and son in the bank, time for dat Odin.
Good luck!
Firstly, I'll attach a picture of my roster, so that I don't bring characters out of the blue.
It's Summer, and the Sun is blazing out. You know what else was burning? My envy. I hadn't touched story quests and didn't want to do it any sooner, until I heard this.
My friend had completed 4 quests in 5.3.
"What! When did you do this?"
"Ah, I didn't have anything to do, my XP boosts and energy refills were expiring, so yeah..." was what he told me.
Out of spite ( not the one which intends to hurt others), I started doing the quests too.
5.3.1. Already had given a trial run and Guardian was super helpful in these quest paths, the attack reduction is very tiresome.
So did the same, and came Mordo. I thought he'd be a cheese with Archangel, but it was not so. Got clipped by the Evade twice. But then finished. Was easy, but yeah...
That was the only quest I had used revives on apart from the 5.4.1. I simply couldn't play Magneto properly against that P2099.
The rest of the quests were a joke, Magneto, Torch, Claire, CAIW, Guardian, Archangel and CGR were swapped often to meet the needs and they all did great.
Fast forwarding to ACT 6 ( To avoid boredom), we're now in 6.1.1
What's it about? No retreat. I thought it should be all CGR and Magneto. But it wasn't. Agent Venom nuked me with his tenacity working almost always. Had to retry the quest 2-3 times. Then Archangel did it with considerable amount of health left.
Sabretooth arrives. 'Roar' he did. 'Melt' did my Archangel. ( Used 1 L1 here though).
Now, 6.1.2.
I feared this quest a lot for the Ultron boss had EMP modification. Turned out to be a joke when I realized Magneto is resistant to passives too. Easy gaming, easy life. ( No resources used)
Backed up Falcon for the menacing Thing mini-boss. Never bothered about anything, as most of them I consulted considered this quest and the following easy. So did I. But it was not, at least for me. A Kingpin on the path REKT me so badly I had to quit and restart.
Came back the fat boi with his belly high in air. Blew all the air out of his stomach with Archangel. The Thing fight was nothing more than a Normal Thing fight, with Falcon. Boy is really awesome after his buff.
( No resources used)
"Loki boss? You're Mystic? Imma Torch you. EZ"
[ My Torch was only rank 3, and the Global was close counters]
The path was rough, somehow lead the way to the boss. Pre-fight torch did the job. Loki was quite aggressive and was firing specials often. The power stings did the job well.
( Nothing used)
"Ight. We know you are the so called toughest boss in ACT 6.1. But ma Claire do de job. Leggo of me, I wish to Cav soon". the path went all good. The boss, as expected to be a unit dump, was exactly a dump, and I didn't hesitate too. Dumped around 300-ish units at him. Claire did great. [
#ClaireIsTheBestMysticMoments]Up came the Sentinel to say you Goodbye
- Warprince.
By far the worst for me out of this expedition. 1st, I was messing with the paths. Thought the BPCW path should be the easiest. Went for a trial. Got wrecked. Again and again. Searched for other paths. Found I could do the mesmerize one with Falcon. He only couldn't do much of it.
Thanks to @winterthur , I realized that the Vigorous assault path isn't that tough actually. Except that SIM with Bane.
The path went fine, and came DA BOSS. I simply played too terribly against him.
Got him down to 120k, with all my stash burnt, with a lil more grinding done. Couldn't tolerate any longer. Quit the quest. I was given insight that Torch can build smoulders on his SP1. So, I took him to rank 4 ( I never thought I would do that any time until Abyss, but man, he's super useful, with all the Mystics roaming around and the SQ)
Completed the EQ of this month. Grinded arenas. Prayed for units from Arena crystals. Finally, the day came.
5 L1 revives, and 321 units.
The path again, did go decent.
Came again the DA BOSS, stared at me, making me shrivel before his might.
Played the worst possible once again. Burnt the resources, and this time, got him to 70k heath.
Finally, grinded the arenas and hit the L1 rev milestone.
Took the shot, put it on Claire, and remembered I have a lot of boosts. Used them. And I finally realized that the boss himself wasn't tough, but it was me who wasn't playing properly. Yet, I throw the blame on that Mad AI of that Sentinel.
Boy knew very well, that his Heavies are passively unstoppable when at 100 analysis charges. He would throw them exactly when I charge at him. He even was a master of intercepts.
Glad I got them all down, saving the shards to open them later, around my Birthday. Hope it gives some luck. By then, I would grind more from the SQ too. Hopefully 6 stars from the Cav, and it would be awesome if it were someone like Doom.
Finally, I would like to thank:
1. My alliance, for not having forced me to any wars or AQ's.
2. The forums, especially, @winterthur , @Gr8TonyStark , @Will3808 , @RaviDavi , @MojoHater and @Berjibs
It must had been a rough time for @winterthur tolerating me, I surely had pestered him a lot. Big thanks to you buddy!
3. My friends, who understood my plight and aided me in incursions ( I was hoping to buy the 15k platpool pack for units).
4. The community, for being helpful to me. I was match-making with randomly for Sector 7, and Darkness (not exactly his username, but yeah) proved to be of great help to me. My most sincere thank to you too, sir.
That's all for this expedition guys, will probably come sooner for a 6.2. But it's not gonna come any sooner. Until then, thank you all for having burdened yourself until the end of this blabbering.
How I got to high level? I guess you should know lol.
Hela can come in useful for that heimdall synergy at least. Possibly need that in 6.2.
Honorable mention
Daughters and son in the bank, time for dat Odin.
Proud to be one among the Cavaliers!