First R3

Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 275
edited June 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I just beat Gwenmaster for the first time and got tech t5cc. My luck has been absurd with these crystals, because this is exactly the class I wanted. I Have both Ghost and Warlock at r2 already. Both are unawakened, and I have neither of them as five stars.

The easy choice would be ghost, but I find warlock to be on my general questing team more often. It might be because I do not have a five star wasp or antman, so ghost fights end up being kinda slow. But when I need ghost, she is so useful. I am currently working on exploring variants as well as exploring act 6 and act 7.

First R3 32 votes

Zeroj2kmani274ReferenceRaichu626RockyshockyKelvinKageZeezoosErcarretParam1988LpooBlizzard28DawsManjscott96FlyGalaxyBombNalak8TheBoogyManCangaceiroOEMVHaptichorizon 19 votes
RockypantherxKill_GreyEtjamaMiStaLovaFiiNCHHoitadoGr8TonyStarkScrubhanavenge_123Cap45Salve_maker05Darksniper240MaybeRed 13 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    If you like Warlock go him. Especially as you do not have ghost awakened or wasp, she's just not going to be as helpful.
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    As long as Ghost is not awakened, I think Warlock still could be preferred ranking up over her.
  • Zeroj2kZeroj2k Member Posts: 146
    Rank the one you use more regular
  • Cap45Cap45 Member Posts: 419 ★★
    I have played this game for a while and I have them both at r3. I am telling you that I know 100% ghost is the better choice. Warlock is outstanding but I find myself only using her on like 1 or 2 fights in a long quest. Her use only comes occasionally. Ghost just clears content everywhere. She is one of the best if not the best in the game, Period.
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