Make Use of Gauntlet Dr Doom to Practice This
Member Posts: 753 ★★★
Heavy only quaking is a very difficult skill to master, but as they say practice makes perfect. All this while I’ve always been relying on heavy charging and dexing to quake. However, an hour of practice later on gauntlet Doom got me in the heavy only quaking groove! Happy heavy only Quaking everyone! Make use of this fine opportunity to practice under a high pressure setting 😉
Heavy only quaking is a very difficult skill to master, but as they say practice makes perfect. All this while I’ve always been relying on heavy charging and dexing to quake. However, an hour of practice later on gauntlet Doom got me in the heavy only quaking groove! Happy heavy only Quaking everyone! Make use of this fine opportunity to practice under a high pressure setting 😉
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on