The Thing Rank-Up

Through Trial and Error, I've Discovered that The Thing was the best champion to use against the Morningstar Rifts.
So should I rank up my 4* Rank 4 Duped The Thing or Rank up my 5* Unduped Rank 1 The Thing?
Is his ability necessary or is it just a bonus to his playstyle?


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,340 ★★★★★
    edited June 2021
    Signature Ability – Unbreakable Spirit:

    While Heavy Attack Charging

    Thing activates Protection for the next 5 second(s), reducing all damage by 70%, plus +1% for each Rock Stack.
    Once this ability finishes, it goes into cooldown and cannot be reactivated for 20 seconds.
    Unbreakable Spirit will also trigger when Thing is Stunned.
    Unbreakable Spirit will also trigger when the Opponent would deal 300% or more of their Attack Rating with a Basic Attack, or 300% or more of their Attack Rating with a Special Attack Hit. This trigger ignores the ability cooldown.

    Developer Note: Thing’s signature ability adds another layer to his defensive capabilities. The protection granted by this ability significantly reduces incoming damage from all sources, and it can be activated by charging a Heavy Attack, or when Thing is stunned by something like the Parry mastery. Lastly, if he’s ever up against a Champion that consistently does staggering amounts of damage, it’s entirely possible for this ability to be active for the majority of the fight.

    I think having the 4-Star rank to 4 is better.
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    UKW, with Thing, the Morningstar fight is going to be nothing but a joke. Unless you get hit too often, anything will do great. He's both bleed and stagger immune, so you could play it like it's a duel.
    Rank up the 5 star, you might dupe him sooner, and he is really a good champ.
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