Best month in the games history?

You've got to admit, Kabam knocked it out of the park this month with just about everything.
More endgame content, done in a way that isn't a unit grab but a test of skill. I realize the Carina challenges are a bit of a grab but the SoP Rogue fight is brilliant and the Gauntlet is great.
A side quest with awesome rewards as well as a way to target what you want most. People in my alliance were all targeting different things and it was fun to see people get what they wanted most.
6* Arenas and a way to earn more units in arenas. I know this isn't the ideal arena for the hardest of hardcore arena folk but for me it's excellent.
I'm just happy with the direction of the game. I just did my initial clear of 7.1 and 7.2 this month and it's really some great content.
Cav eq was a little troublesome and it seems like a she hulk would have solved a few problems for me this month.
Map 5 has removed linked nodes.
AQ has the ability to plan days in advance. My olddddd alliance wouldn't start AQ until some rando milked his goats in the morning and his morning and my morning happen at very different times.
Everybody talks about when stuff is wrong in the game but Kabam should know when stuff is right and it's sincerely appreciated. Kudo's Kabam
also, last time I made a thread I jokingly asked for a cgr and then I got him a week later. If you guys want to give me a 6* Doom this time that would be cool or whatever.
More endgame content, done in a way that isn't a unit grab but a test of skill. I realize the Carina challenges are a bit of a grab but the SoP Rogue fight is brilliant and the Gauntlet is great.
A side quest with awesome rewards as well as a way to target what you want most. People in my alliance were all targeting different things and it was fun to see people get what they wanted most.
6* Arenas and a way to earn more units in arenas. I know this isn't the ideal arena for the hardest of hardcore arena folk but for me it's excellent.
I'm just happy with the direction of the game. I just did my initial clear of 7.1 and 7.2 this month and it's really some great content.
Cav eq was a little troublesome and it seems like a she hulk would have solved a few problems for me this month.
Map 5 has removed linked nodes.
AQ has the ability to plan days in advance. My olddddd alliance wouldn't start AQ until some rando milked his goats in the morning and his morning and my morning happen at very different times.
Everybody talks about when stuff is wrong in the game but Kabam should know when stuff is right and it's sincerely appreciated. Kudo's Kabam
also, last time I made a thread I jokingly asked for a cgr and then I got him a week later. If you guys want to give me a 6* Doom this time that would be cool or whatever.
first six star opened
lots of five stars
mutant treasure island
beyond god tier mags and god tier white mags
beyond god tier new champions
It is the worst month when you have mutant class catalyst overflow but you keep pulling mutant class catalyst from 48 out of 50 pulls……so and so on.
- The Carina Challenges, Gauntlet, and Summer of Pain will keep me busy while I wait for July 4th if it will have some worthy deals.
- I finally pulled Ghost as a 6* from the Side Quest and it gave me motivation to explore the Abyss to get an awakening gem for her.
- New AQ and AW feels fresh and exciting for now, at least.
- Summoner Showdown is on the horizon.
- Rank 4s are coming.