Oppent gain power faster ???

Guys has anyone noticed,
*Now the defence system provides more power*
I remember it used to get 10 hit with combo MLLLM to opponent to reach them to 1 bar of power ,but now they are reaching in just 7 hits
I am sure about this cause in order to play sabertooth in suggestions it was said to stop on 9 hits this will keep enemy below 1 bar of power and then do a 5 hit combo so that as soon as u get power u can throw sp and convert his fury as opponents doesnot have a bar of power to throw sp and cause the fury timer to delay/expire.
Now they get their power bar filled easly. This brings more difficulty on power gain nodes
Are they cheating by implementing this change silently or there was some update on his which I missed.
*Now the defence system provides more power*
I remember it used to get 10 hit with combo MLLLM to opponent to reach them to 1 bar of power ,but now they are reaching in just 7 hits
I am sure about this cause in order to play sabertooth in suggestions it was said to stop on 9 hits this will keep enemy below 1 bar of power and then do a 5 hit combo so that as soon as u get power u can throw sp and convert his fury as opponents doesnot have a bar of power to throw sp and cause the fury timer to delay/expire.
Now they get their power bar filled easly. This brings more difficulty on power gain nodes
Are they cheating by implementing this change silently or there was some update on his which I missed.
I am observing this power increases change from may update only. Just wondering if anyone else also noticed.
No nodes guys this is everywhere arena,quest, story,
I just rember in common scenario they used to fill one bar in 10 hits ,but now it's in 7 only ,this is for genreal fights ignoring exceptions like symbiot supreme ,havok etc whose power is modified.
I just feel that combat power gain rate in defense is cahnged and faster what it used to be what it used to be. Probably I am wrong if as you all people did not felt this ,other wise this could have been a big issue for us.
Thank you all for your input I appreciate it.
It's her Kit, to compesate for power gain from her sp1
Also, there are two types of combat power gain
Offensive and Defensive(also effected by Challenger Rating)
Offensive combat power gain has been lower than Defensive since launch of the game.
While you are attacking defender, defender will fill power bar faster than you.
And vice versa, if you let opponent hit you(not blocked hits), you will gain power faster than defender.
Opponent's usually get to a bar of power in 7 hits taken. A full combo and 2 additional hits.
This has been the case ever since I can remember, nothing has been changed
So while nothing has changed, the bigger gap makes it more noticeable.