Wow that was boring

I’ve heard that archangel melts this guy, but since I don’t have that luxury, I had to slog it out with doom. Kinda disappointed in this fight honestly, the creativity was sorely lacking. If you pick a solid counter, then there’s just nothing interesting about it at all, the hardest part is not falling asleep halfway through. If you don’t, then you’ll die from fun and interactive shock damage. Anyone else feel the same way, or is it just me?
Sent me back to doing 6.2 sinister with no synergy g99
It was super hard Kabam. Keep bringing them like this.
With Sunspot you have to be absolutely flawless with your parries because if you dex even once, EMP mod will wipe out your solar state stacks. It was a fun challenge.
That being said, I don’t doubt that upcoming SoP challenges may be just as much roster checks as they are mechanical skill checks. This one was a little bit of both. Either use a specific playstyle (without dexing) to combat EMP mod with any good Mr. Sinister counter, or bring in a shock immune champ and have a very long fight.