Is unawakened Red Mags worth a rank 3?

I just recently took my six star unawakened red mags to rank 3 and did a little testing. Firstly, i don’t run suicides and i only have 3/5 in deep wounds. it’s also important to note that the rank 5 is sig 200. both fights were against RoL Winter Soldier. it takes 12 hits for a rank 3 six star red magneto to reach a special three. it takes eleven for a rank 5 5 star. for the experiment, i parry-heavied until he was two hits away from a sp3 and then held my heavy to gain prowess. the rank took Bucky down to 23% after the special and shrapnel bleeds. the rank 5 took him down to 26%. I parry-heavied the rest of the way in both fights and this is where Mag’s awakened ability presents itself. the rank 3 ended the fight in 35 hits and the rank 5 ended in 27. the rank 3’s and initial sp3 did bigger damage but the rank 5’s heavies were more lethal. there’s not a huge difference between an unawakened r3 red mag and a 5/65 sig 200. obviously if the r3 is awakened, it would be a different story, but awakened six stars are not abundant for most people. is it worth all the mutant t4c and t5c plus iso to r3 an unawakened red magneto when you already have a r5? it’s an interesting question.
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