Rocket Raccoon Overhaul

Rocket Raccoon
Class: Tech

Signature Abilty: Emergency Shield (Sig level 20)
Whenever Rocket drops below 20% health he activates an emergency Shield for 15 Seconds. While active Rocket Gains a 100% to Autoblock all incoming attacks (this Autoblock triggers Parry). Whenever an Autoblock successfully triggers Rocket also gains a 10% chance (chance scales with sig level and is 100% at max sig) to reflect 25% of the opponents incoming damage dealing it back to the opponent as a burst of energy damage.
Animation: whenever Autoblock triggers Rocket is surrounded by an energy shield (like the one he uses in GOTG2 when fighting Ego)
Pre Fight ability Rockets Gadgets:
Using persistence charges Rocket can equip Gadgets from his bag of Gadgets to use during the fight. Rocket begins each quest with his max cap of 5 persistence charges. Rocket gains 1 persistence charge per victory. Once the fight concludes the active Gadget expires, but can be reapplied by spending a persistence charge. A Maximum of 2 Gadgets can be activated per fight
Gadgets (cost 2 persistence charges each)
Target Sensor: While active Rockets attacks cannot Miss.
Electrocharged Ammo: each of Rockets gun hits gain a 100% chance to drain 10% of the opponents max power and inflict a shock debuff instead of a bleed. Critical Bleed debuffs are replaced with Plasma debuffs
Heavy Ammo: each of Rockets gun hits apply an Armor break debuff instead of bleed, each reducing opponents armor rating by x% for 12 seconds. Critical Bleed debuffs are replaced with Armor Shatter.
Cleansing Gadget: whenever the opponet attempts to inflict Rocket with a Damage over time debuff, rocket instantly Purifies the debuff and gains 1 permanent fury stack increasing all damage by x%
Anti Gravity Bomb: if acitve inflict the Opponent with a permanent slow debuff preventing the effects of Evade and Unstoppable, this debuff cannot be shrugged off or purified
Energize Gadget: Activating Special Attacks grants Rocket a 100% chance too gain a Permanent energize buff increasing Rockets combat power rate by x%
No Gadgets: if no Gadgets are activated, Rockets special attacks gain 240% increased damage and are unblockable
Physical resist: Rocket begins each fight with 5 Physical resist stacks each reducing incoming physical damage by x%. 1 Stack is removed each time the opponent successfully lands a combo
Armor up: Rocket begins the fight with 5 Armor Up stacks each increasing his Armor Rating by x %. These stacks can only be removed by Nullify abilities or Armor Break. All stacks are restored 20 seconds after the last stack is removed unless Rocket is suffering from Armor Shatter
Block Proficiency: Rockets block proficiency increases by x% for each Armor up buff on him
Critical bleed: whenever 5 bleed stacks are inflicted on the opponent they are replaced with a stackable Critical bleed debuff dealing x amount of Critical damage per second for 10 seconds.
Cruelty: whenever opponents are suffering from a critical bleed debuff rocket gains a Cruelty buff increasing critical damage by x% for the duration of the critical bleed debuff
Medium attacks (new animation: Rocket quickly Blast his opponent with a pistol): these attacks are considered gun hits and gain a 100% chance to inflict bleed dealing x amount of damage for 12 seconds
Heavy attack: 100% chance to refresh all debuffs on the opponent.
Special 1:
Animation: Rocket pulls out his blaster rifle and hits the opponent with 4 quick shots
Each hit is a gun hit and gains a 100% chance to inflict a bleed debuff dealing x amount of damage for 12 seconds
Special 2:
Animation: Same
100% chance to inflict an Incineration debuff dealing x amount of energy damage for 17 seconds. (This debuff applies can apply through a block)
100% chance to inflict a disorient debuff reducing opponents block proficiency by x% and Defensive ability accuracy by x% for 12 Seconds
Special 3:
100% chance to apply critical bleed dealing x amount of critical damage for 14 seconds
100% chance to apply an Incineration debuff dealing x amount of energy damage for 14 seconds
Unique Synergies:
The Guardians of the Galaxy: (Rocket/Groot/Star Lord/ Drax/ Gamora
Rocket: Rocket gains 3 additional permanent Armor up buffs
Groot: all buffs recieve +200% Potency
Star Lord: gain a true strike passive ignoring evade, autoblock and Armor
Gamora: Personal Cruelty and Fury buffs gain +200% Potency
Drax: finishing a combo with a medium attack grants drax 1 permanent Fury increasing all damage by x%
Unlikely Allies: (Rocket/Yondu/Nebula)
Rocket: gain 3 permanent cruelty buffs each increasing critical damage rating by x%
Yondu: each time Yondu uses a Special attack he gains 1 permanent Energize buff increasing Combat power rate by x%
Nebula: electroshock charge generation time while holding a block is reduced to 0.4 seconds.
New Guardians: (Rocket/Captain Marvel(Classic)/ Captain Marvel/ Nova)
Rocket: gain +x% Critical Damage Rating
Captain Marvel (Classic): Gain 5 permanent fury buffs each increasing all damage by x%
Captain Marvel: Energy charge duration increases to 2.1 seconds while binary is active
Nova: begin each fight with 100 Nova Charges active
Inseparable Pair: (Rocket/Groot)
Rocket: Base damage is increased by x% for every 10% health missing from Groots health bar. If Groot is knocked out Rocket gains 10 Permanent Fury buffs each increasing all damage by x%
Groot: Base Damage is increased by x% for every 10% health missing from Rockets health bar. If Rocket is Knocked out Groot gains 4 Fury buffs increasing all damage by x% for 12 seconds after using a special attack. In addition Groot gains both an Unstoppable and Unblockable buff for 2 seconds after using a special attack
Class: Tech

Signature Abilty: Emergency Shield (Sig level 20)
Whenever Rocket drops below 20% health he activates an emergency Shield for 15 Seconds. While active Rocket Gains a 100% to Autoblock all incoming attacks (this Autoblock triggers Parry). Whenever an Autoblock successfully triggers Rocket also gains a 10% chance (chance scales with sig level and is 100% at max sig) to reflect 25% of the opponents incoming damage dealing it back to the opponent as a burst of energy damage.
Animation: whenever Autoblock triggers Rocket is surrounded by an energy shield (like the one he uses in GOTG2 when fighting Ego)
Pre Fight ability Rockets Gadgets:
Using persistence charges Rocket can equip Gadgets from his bag of Gadgets to use during the fight. Rocket begins each quest with his max cap of 5 persistence charges. Rocket gains 1 persistence charge per victory. Once the fight concludes the active Gadget expires, but can be reapplied by spending a persistence charge. A Maximum of 2 Gadgets can be activated per fight
Gadgets (cost 2 persistence charges each)
Target Sensor: While active Rockets attacks cannot Miss.
Electrocharged Ammo: each of Rockets gun hits gain a 100% chance to drain 10% of the opponents max power and inflict a shock debuff instead of a bleed. Critical Bleed debuffs are replaced with Plasma debuffs
Heavy Ammo: each of Rockets gun hits apply an Armor break debuff instead of bleed, each reducing opponents armor rating by x% for 12 seconds. Critical Bleed debuffs are replaced with Armor Shatter.
Cleansing Gadget: whenever the opponet attempts to inflict Rocket with a Damage over time debuff, rocket instantly Purifies the debuff and gains 1 permanent fury stack increasing all damage by x%
Anti Gravity Bomb: if acitve inflict the Opponent with a permanent slow debuff preventing the effects of Evade and Unstoppable, this debuff cannot be shrugged off or purified
Energize Gadget: Activating Special Attacks grants Rocket a 100% chance too gain a Permanent energize buff increasing Rockets combat power rate by x%
No Gadgets: if no Gadgets are activated, Rockets special attacks gain 240% increased damage and are unblockable
Physical resist: Rocket begins each fight with 5 Physical resist stacks each reducing incoming physical damage by x%. 1 Stack is removed each time the opponent successfully lands a combo
Armor up: Rocket begins the fight with 5 Armor Up stacks each increasing his Armor Rating by x %. These stacks can only be removed by Nullify abilities or Armor Break. All stacks are restored 20 seconds after the last stack is removed unless Rocket is suffering from Armor Shatter
Block Proficiency: Rockets block proficiency increases by x% for each Armor up buff on him
Critical bleed: whenever 5 bleed stacks are inflicted on the opponent they are replaced with a stackable Critical bleed debuff dealing x amount of Critical damage per second for 10 seconds.
Cruelty: whenever opponents are suffering from a critical bleed debuff rocket gains a Cruelty buff increasing critical damage by x% for the duration of the critical bleed debuff
Medium attacks (new animation: Rocket quickly Blast his opponent with a pistol): these attacks are considered gun hits and gain a 100% chance to inflict bleed dealing x amount of damage for 12 seconds
Heavy attack: 100% chance to refresh all debuffs on the opponent.
Special 1:
Animation: Rocket pulls out his blaster rifle and hits the opponent with 4 quick shots
Each hit is a gun hit and gains a 100% chance to inflict a bleed debuff dealing x amount of damage for 12 seconds
Special 2:
Animation: Same
100% chance to inflict an Incineration debuff dealing x amount of energy damage for 17 seconds. (This debuff applies can apply through a block)
100% chance to inflict a disorient debuff reducing opponents block proficiency by x% and Defensive ability accuracy by x% for 12 Seconds
Special 3:
100% chance to apply critical bleed dealing x amount of critical damage for 14 seconds
100% chance to apply an Incineration debuff dealing x amount of energy damage for 14 seconds
Unique Synergies:
The Guardians of the Galaxy: (Rocket/Groot/Star Lord/ Drax/ Gamora
Rocket: Rocket gains 3 additional permanent Armor up buffs
Groot: all buffs recieve +200% Potency
Star Lord: gain a true strike passive ignoring evade, autoblock and Armor
Gamora: Personal Cruelty and Fury buffs gain +200% Potency
Drax: finishing a combo with a medium attack grants drax 1 permanent Fury increasing all damage by x%
Unlikely Allies: (Rocket/Yondu/Nebula)
Rocket: gain 3 permanent cruelty buffs each increasing critical damage rating by x%
Yondu: each time Yondu uses a Special attack he gains 1 permanent Energize buff increasing Combat power rate by x%
Nebula: electroshock charge generation time while holding a block is reduced to 0.4 seconds.
New Guardians: (Rocket/Captain Marvel(Classic)/ Captain Marvel/ Nova)
Rocket: gain +x% Critical Damage Rating
Captain Marvel (Classic): Gain 5 permanent fury buffs each increasing all damage by x%
Captain Marvel: Energy charge duration increases to 2.1 seconds while binary is active
Nova: begin each fight with 100 Nova Charges active
Inseparable Pair: (Rocket/Groot)
Rocket: Base damage is increased by x% for every 10% health missing from Groots health bar. If Groot is knocked out Rocket gains 10 Permanent Fury buffs each increasing all damage by x%
Groot: Base Damage is increased by x% for every 10% health missing from Rockets health bar. If Rocket is Knocked out Groot gains 4 Fury buffs increasing all damage by x% for 12 seconds after using a special attack. In addition Groot gains both an Unstoppable and Unblockable buff for 2 seconds after using a special attack