R5 Mystic Suggestion

Tom3579Tom3579 Member Posts: 55
edited October 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
Hey guys, who should I r5, magik, guillotine, scarlet witch? Let me know!


  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    Are they all awakened? If so and SW is sig level 35 or above already then definitely her. Otherwise I'd do Gully. Reverse healing has suddenly become increasingly handy.

    Most might say Magik. She's a top boss for AW and can carry her own on any attack phase or quest, but for pure attacking she's not as good as either of the other two.
  • Tom3579Tom3579 Member Posts: 55
    They are all awakened, although sw is only level 5 sig, so she’s not that much help, everyone goes for magik but I do love guilly
  • Tom3579Tom3579 Member Posts: 55
    I do have an r2 5* Loki, could take him to r3, but I don’t think that it worth it?
  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    Tom3579 wrote: »
    They are all awakened, although sw is only level 5 sig, so she’s not that much help, everyone goes for magik but I do love guilly

    If you have either vision or another top power control champion at r4 or 5 then definitely go with gully in that case. At sig level 5 SW has maybe 6% chance to activate her chaos magic, assuming you have greater precision max ranked. Doesn't get better until she hits about 25, and even then it's unpredictable and not very reliable.

    If you don't have a strong power control champion you might want to do Magik just for that purpose. Everyone needs at least 1 for more difficult bosses.
  • Tom3579Tom3579 Member Posts: 55
    I do have a r4 vision (ultron), but he hardly gets used, I want all 3 of them ranked 5 but it’s so hard to choose
  • Tom3579Tom3579 Member Posts: 55
    Guilly and magik are my 4th and 5th best that I use as well
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,013 ★★★★★
    I'm a fan of Guillie. Always have been. Witch is good, if the RNG is right. I suppose it's all preference. My suggestion is Guillotine. I'm at Sig 99. She's great.
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