Do you play AW?

If yes, then at what level? Do you push? Do you coast? And for what reasons? Rewards? Entertainment? Camaraderie?
If no, then why? Nodes? Annoyances? Roster shackling?
I realize this is a somewhat common thread, but it's nice to get a snapshot of the community as it currently is.
If no, then why? Nodes? Annoyances? Roster shackling?
I realize this is a somewhat common thread, but it's nice to get a snapshot of the community as it currently is.
Reward change is a bit better, but i know plat level ones got messed with. I do silver-gold based on my progression level.
And I hate war.
I’m an officer for my BG and I love sorting defence, finding out where we get kills, where our members struggle, what we can change to do better.
It could do with a few tweaks here and there, but using my favourite champs against hard nodes is what I love about MCOC.
I play tier 3 or 4, plat 4 pushing for plat 3 (which we got last season)
Main advice to enjoy war is just find an alliance that does it the level you want. If you’re not enjoying it, figure out why and change something until you do. Try new champs, try a new path.
As for why I continue to play war, I got champs doing nothing. Might as well see them get kills and collect some rewards with minimum efforts.
Too much stress. Too exhausting. And created a weird expectation of me having to “inform my alliance” of my new champs so they could determine which was worth ranking up.
Nah. These days I just play in a mostly retired alliance where there’s no mention of AW and AQ is purely optional. I’ve been able to focus only solo content and quests and actually spend the down time to understand champ mechanics and get better, not just throw potions and revives at champs to rush and finish a lane.
I hear the rewards have been bumped so that’s awesome for people who still actively play AW!
Enjoy not needing to log in when I don’t want to or having to wait and plan my sleep time and end of day at work around a war clock.
Playing for milestone rewards and whatever comes out end of season.
Now that it is 6 energy, one sitting is sufficient to reach and either kill the Boss or die trying to kill it.
and the people who use their glory for revives and health potions would probably be better off using them in the glorystore until they can get the really big rewards at platinum or master level