Well That's... Rather Appropriate Actually...

Just a bit of a Random Thing...

4 Days Ago I pulled 5 Star Hawkeye from a Grandmaster Shard Crystal (pretty rare chance, might have been my first actually)...

Then today the very next Grandmaster Shard Crystal I opened was 5 Star Ronin of all champions, nothing spectacular but a nice stroke of luck and a funny coincidence...

4 Days Ago I pulled 5 Star Hawkeye from a Grandmaster Shard Crystal (pretty rare chance, might have been my first actually)...

Then today the very next Grandmaster Shard Crystal I opened was 5 Star Ronin of all champions, nothing spectacular but a nice stroke of luck and a funny coincidence...
No theme, aside from being two big handsome lads. You might say I'm lucky, but what this has done is give me a false sense of hope when opening GMC. Like giving sight to a blind man in a hideous world.
[dramatic posing noises]
Now there'll just be 3*s for me for four months or so, I wager.
That's a 2.40% Chance, 2.40% Chance, and 3.00% Chance Back To Back To Back, on top of the Coincidence of the 2 5 Stars being the Same Character.