What Should I do With My 6* Awakening Gem?

THEComic23THEComic23 Member Posts: 50
edited July 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Got a 6* Science Awakening Gem out of the July 4th deals today and Im not sure what to do with it. Unfortunately, all of the options I can use it with I already have in 5* form so I figured I'd turn to all of you for your opinion. Without further ado:

What Should I do With My 6* Awakening Gem? 33 votes

Captain America Infinity (already have a 5* 5/ 65/ 200 sig version)
Denzel116Wine_LoverBugmat78SwarmOfRavensHoitadoMasterzxProFerahgoWill3808Tupac123Real_Madrid_76_2OEMV 11 votes
Human Torch (already have a 5* 5/ 65/ 200 sig version)
Draconic_12 1 vote
Void (already have a 5* 5/ 65/ 200 sig version)
Hendrossshadow_lurker22EtjamaWooptyfrickendoo 4 votes
Mr Fantastic (rank 1)
JumpthesharkRakeYoungKill_Grey 3 votes
Thing (rank 2)
BocksaroxDa_Monstrousity 2 votes
...or wait for someone else to come along (Overseer, Red Guardian, etc...)
SnakeEyes69RaganatorHeadrolleryuwAckbar67spaceoctopus_Sham_Disgruntled_User_123RenaxqqGiantwalrus56TheBoogyManHaptichorizon 12 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • Da_MonstrousityDa_Monstrousity Member Posts: 43
    Thing (rank 2)
    Go for thing. His sig ability will help defensively in Act 6/7. It can reduce Parry damage
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Captain America Infinity (already have a 5* 5/ 65/ 200 sig version)
    Didn’t see Wait Option
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