6* Science AG and sig stone showdown

Thanks to the bundles today + the stash, I've been sitting on a science AG since abyss came out and I can awaken and max sig level a science champ. I have both void and CAIW and this is where the debate comes in.
Who is more worthy of max sig level as a 6*R2?
Void or CAIW.
(Or hold off for another champ such as red guardian, ibom, etc) I do have HT, thing, invisible woman, hulk Ragnorok unawakened
Current progression:
Last 3 variants need explored (contamination has 3 paths left total, others need all but 1 path)
7.1 needs explored
7.2 needs completed
6.2-6.4 needs explored
Abyss needs explored
Who is more worthy of max sig level as a 6*R2?
Void or CAIW.
(Or hold off for another champ such as red guardian, ibom, etc) I do have HT, thing, invisible woman, hulk Ragnorok unawakened
Current progression:
Last 3 variants need explored (contamination has 3 paths left total, others need all but 1 path)
7.1 needs explored
7.2 needs completed
6.2-6.4 needs explored
Abyss needs explored
6* Science AG and sig stone showdown 31 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on