Better Horseman, Gambit or Cable?

I (finally) got Apocalypse. I have a 6* unduped Gambit and a 6* duped Cable, both at R1. Which would you suggest to rank up for use as a horseman and why? Thanks!
Anyways Gambit already has Solid Damage but could use the little Boost from the Rank Up, then his 100% Perfect Block is just Ridiculous and makes any Health/Armor Increase Irrelevant. You can also get Incredibly Easy Stun Combos with Gambit, Parries are Extended by the Perfect Block and the Sp1 Stun is Juuust Long Enough to get in a MLLM MLLLM Combo at which point you'll have another Bar of Power ready to Stun them again. (Which leads me to another thing about Ranking Him Up, you do gain something like 0.2% Additional Power Gain on Each Rank Up so that can add to that Stun Chain ever so slightly)