The most perfectly desinged Champion in MCOC history

Yup, Hyperion.
Now before you say "but x or y champ is better" keep in mind, I'm not saying he's better than whoever for whatever reason, I'm saying Kabam made a champ that was so well thought out and balanced that I'll be 5 years in December that he came out and is STILL relevant today.
Here's why I'd say he's the best designed champ in the game:
Hyperion came out in 2016. Bruh that's old as hell and some of you reading this weren't even playing in 2016.
He's still considered the best or a top 5 Cosmic champ
He's NEVER BEEN CHANGED (apart from some bug fixes and that "I'm holding a Hammer" arm thing he had)
He has. by far. the WORST synergies in game.
He the ONLY champ with NO unique synergies (yes only champ in game)
He's great on offense
He's great on defense. Yeah he's not as good but on the right node and him refusing to throw specials means death.
His utility is still very much relevant in 2021 (Power gain, fury, regen, energy resist, stuns, incenerate, etc)
He's only available as a 5 star for now and still considered (Tho Kabam with the soon to be R4 6 stars, yall gotta give us the remaining 6 star champ who aren't in the pool yet come on.)
He may not be as good as other champs but the dude has been the same since day one and still great without anything or anyone else needed.
Simple design with power packed utility.
Back to Hype, one of oldest, yet probably most wanted 5* for me now, can't pull him from dual crystals, even though I opened ton of those. I NEED him
Offensively, he gains power to throw specials. All of his specials inflict bleed on the opponent. Bleeding the opponent gives him more power via passive power gain. The extra power gain gives him access to more specials, which equals more bleeds and the cycle continues. Defensively, Blade can inflict bleeds with parries, again causing more power gain. But instead of throwing specials, he has unlimited access to healing via holding block.
Everything in Blade's kit boils down to easy access to passive power gain and then either using specials to increase that power gain or trading off some power/power gain to heal quickly and without limit. While he's not considered a top champion in the meta anymore, I don't think anyone can deny that his champion design is top notch.