Question about Buffed Diablo constant regen from Poison debuff



  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    Bendy said:

    RakeYoung said:

    Bendy said:

    As poison reduces regen why does he need to be even more downside of regen when hes already suffering from reduced regen rate its kinda fair to him having what he has now from poison as acts like it is with ddhk and kp so doesnt need hurt even more than it is

    i agree, so in this case the issue is that outside of the normal 30% regen reduction any champ gets from the poison debuff, DDHK and Kingpin have a separate 40% regen reduction.

    in the essence of consistency, i'm hopeful Kabam will remove that separate regen reduction from DDHK/KP abilities, considering that the reason for them in the first place was the potential for infinite regen while having the Rage debuff that did zero damage

    Diablo now has this eternal poison debuff(suicides) that he takes no damage from and only benefits with regen for the entire fight.
    Dont u understood me about the diablo having poison.

    Like since hes got reduced regen rate from poison kabam dont need to reduce his base regen rate since hes already losing 30% if adding more he just wouldnt be healing any damage from blocked hits since regen be too low, unlike kp and ddhk they have rage debuffs that constantly heal but when put together of there regen rate and diablos its pretty close considering so no diablo doesnt need even more reduced regen rate than whats already been done from poison.
    i completely understand what you're saying, the issue here is that the poison Diablo gets from suicides remains for the entire fight.

    while each poison reduces regen rate by 30%, Diablo has no way to stack poisons onto himself or even a way to consume the poison so that it gets removed.

    lets look at Immortal Abomination, yes he gets regen for the entire fight as well, but because his abilities force him to stack poison debuffs, the regen you get from those poisons gets reduced throughout the fight

    or iBom gets to a point where he consumes his poison debuffs to keep his Toxic Aura up.

    i havent run the numbers yet, but i can tell you with max WP my r3 DDHK only gets about +46 HP per tick, yet the r5 Diablo from the video is getting +81 per tick.

    not even to mention Diablo has regen as part of his base kit to add on top of the eternal poison debuff giving him WP regen.

    all i hope to accomplish with this thread is for Kabam to acknowledge the reduced regen rate added to DDHK kit was unnecessary.

    if some of you are worried that Kabam will nerf Diablo regen from suicides, its cause you know its OP and a game changer in terms of running a Mystic with suicides since he can regen the recoil damage.

    Claire Voyant being the exception with her sp2 in the blood curse phase, but even then its based on damage dealt.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    to clarify in case this point gets missed.

    i dont want DDHK to be a suicide friendly champ, i just want him to not die from having the poison debuff, because as it stands WP cant negate the Poison damage with the reduced regen rate in his kit.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★

    RakeYoung said:

    to clarify in case this point gets missed.

    i dont want DDHK to be a suicide friendly champ, i just want him to not die from having the poison debuff, because as it stands WP cant negate the Poison damage with the reduced regen rate in his kit.

    Then don’t run liquid courage while playing Ddhk.
    of course thats always an option.

    but i'm sure there are times when you have suicides on that you need to bring a non-suicide friendly champ for 1-2 fights for the utility they might bring and your OK with taking the bleed damage.

    that same fight can do the fight and not die whereas DDHK cant, and he's the only champ in the game where this is the case.

    even Sparky can get thru several fights and the WP will negate the poison damage just fine.

    again, this is something that was only added to DDHK kit because Kabam said it would be OP for him to all the regen from the Rage debuff, which is something that falls off after a few seconds and requires a bit of setup to get it back.

    Diablo has the poison debuff the entire fight and nets way more regen than DDHK can without suicides and only the Rage debuff + WP.

    point again is that Kabam negated the argument they presented for nerfing DDHK regen rate at the time his buff dropped with this new Diablo buff.
  • Dawnbringer_1Dawnbringer_1 Member Posts: 268 ★★
    Why is this even a problem, kingpin and DD debuffs are not poison debuffs so with or without suicides they would be regen’n much more than diablo from willpower but Diablo also regens from his specials so I think that’s what u are confused about. There’s no need to reduce his regen even more, use him and enjoy it.
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    edited July 2021
    For those happy about the Diablo buff, that's great and happy for them. They've got a champ who is now considerably better then before. For those running suicides, he might be a decent 6* R3 option.

    The knock on effect is that this makes the Regen Rate penalty to DDHK and a lesser extent Kingpin look much worse. KarateMike's video shows healing which seems at first glance to partially invalidate the statement made about DDHK and on demand healing needing the Regen Rate penalty.

    Ho hum.
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    Aw man they deleted my comment😂
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    Chobbly said:

    For those happy about the Diablo buff, that's great and happy for them. They've got a champ who is now considerably better then before. For those running suicides, he might be a decent 6* R3 option.

    The knock on effect is that this makes the Regen Rate penalty to DDHK and a lesser extent Kingpin look much worse. KarateMike's video shows healing which seems at first glance to partially invalidate the statement made about DDHK and on demand healing needing the Regen Rate penalty.

    Ho hum.

    Thank you. This is the more intelligent way to word what I was trying to say.
  • This content has been removed.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    just some more clarifying info since it seems like some are bringing things up that dont apply to the discussion.

    yes i have full suicides unlocked but not currently running them and i am just fine with that.

    i never intended to play DDHK with suicides.

    i understand Mystics have regen in their kit at base, that is not what is being discussed.

    the topic i have raised is that Diablo has no way to remove the poison(loss the WP regen) and no way to stack it(reducing WP regen).

    the reason for DDHK having his regen rate nerfed to 40% was because he has the capability to get a blank debuff on a timer throughout a fight and according to Kabam the WP regen would be too OP.

    Diablo having the Poison for an entire fight with no way to remove or stack it, he simply receives constant Will Power regen the entire fight.

    i dont want DDHK to be compatible with suicides, i just want him to survive a fight the same way any other champ would by simply being able to negate the poison damage with WP regen.

    even if this is fixed for DDHK i dont plan on using him with suicides, if anything the Rage debuff helps him recover some block damage because his kit involves using heavy into special.

    last point, regardless if this is looked into or not i will still enjoy playing DDHK, it just seems Kabam has invalidated the reason for his regen rate reduction with the Diablo buff and i sincerely think it may have been an oversight.

    If Kabam Miike/Boo or a dev says this is intentional and they wanted Diablo to benefit from Will Power regen for the entire fight while running suicides, I'll accept it and move on.
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Regeneration is a utility. Kabam’s champion designers decide how much and what utility is appropriate to a specific champion. They decided that Diablo was going to be a champion that had a strong regeneration utility. They decided that DDHK would not have that, and would have different utility instead.

    If you want to add the utility of regeneration to DDHKs kit, then a designer would likely say you need to remove or reduce the potency of something else.

    Or, alternatively, just don’t use Liquid Courage. Or run the Nick Fury/DPX synergy. You have options that don’t require you to draw comparisons to unrelated champions.

    Additional Note: Regeneration is not uncommon to the mystic class. Guillotine, Morningstar, Purgatory, Sasquatch, BWCV, Scarlet Witch, Diablo (even in his original recipe kit), Sorcerer Supreme, and probably others I’m not thinking of off the top of my head. Mystics get regen. Skills don’t. That’s the game 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Interesting post, @Wicket329.

    Comparisons between champions are necessary as so much of the game relies on having appropriate counters to specific champs and abilities. It's also necessary given the RNG elements in the game and the search for those appropriate counters. Saying that you shouldn't compare champions is therefore inaccurate because the origin of this debate can be attributed to comments made by Kabam employees themselves about on-demand healing, a factor that applies to both kits.

    It's good that Diablo has had a decent buff and seems to be a more complete and playable character now in a wider variety of content. but, at the same time it may invalidate the general argument made here that on demand healing is not desirable. Why else is Wolverine not a 6*?

    I don't want the Diablo buff nerfing or changing. He's been a meme for so long, he deserves some time in the sun. But DDHK needs to be revisited.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,679 ★★★★★
    Chobbly said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Regeneration is a utility. Kabam’s champion designers decide how much and what utility is appropriate to a specific champion. They decided that Diablo was going to be a champion that had a strong regeneration utility. They decided that DDHK would not have that, and would have different utility instead.

    If you want to add the utility of regeneration to DDHKs kit, then a designer would likely say you need to remove or reduce the potency of something else.

    Or, alternatively, just don’t use Liquid Courage. Or run the Nick Fury/DPX synergy. You have options that don’t require you to draw comparisons to unrelated champions.

    Additional Note: Regeneration is not uncommon to the mystic class. Guillotine, Morningstar, Purgatory, Sasquatch, BWCV, Scarlet Witch, Diablo (even in his original recipe kit), Sorcerer Supreme, and probably others I’m not thinking of off the top of my head. Mystics get regen. Skills don’t. That’s the game 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Interesting post, @Wicket329.

    Comparisons between champions are necessary as so much of the game relies on having appropriate counters to specific champs and abilities. It's also necessary given the RNG elements in the game and the search for those appropriate counters. Saying that you shouldn't compare champions is therefore inaccurate because the origin of this debate can be attributed to comments made by Kabam employees themselves about on-demand healing, a factor that applies to both kits.

    It's good that Diablo has had a decent buff and seems to be a more complete and playable character now in a wider variety of content. but, at the same time it may invalidate the general argument made here that on demand healing is not desirable. Why else is Wolverine not a 6*?

    I don't want the Diablo buff nerfing or changing. He's been a meme for so long, he deserves some time in the sun. But DDHK needs to be revisited.
    I never argued that champions shouldn’t be compared, I’m saying that this particular comparison is not apt. Much like you wouldn’t compare Dragon Man to Wasp because they are wildly different characters, a Diablo/DDHK comparison is misplaced.

    The developers felt that Diablo’s kit was balanced with his regenerative abilities. They looked at him and said that this was a piece of utility they wanted him to have. It fits both with his original kit and with the general identity of the mystic class. In general, Mystics and Mutants get regen mechanics more than any other class.

    The developers looked at DDHK and felt that he should not have access to that level of regeneration. They decided that his kit, with debuff shrugging, powerful AAR, consistent crits, substantial bleed damage and more was enough. Skill champions tend to have these mechanics, that’s a part of their class identity. Regeneration is not. If not for the reduced rate of healing, DDHK would have a strong healing mechanic in his base kit, and that in addition to everything he already has was too much for the devs.

    You may disagree with the devs’ conclusion and that’s a reasonable stance to take. But this is their clear stance, as can be seen in the Champion Spotlights of Diablo, Kingpin, and DDHK.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★

    So.... basically...
    My champ can't do it, so why should yours? Got it. 👌

    if you want to over simplify it? sure.

    the main thing to focus on is the reason for Kabam to nerf the regen rate on DDHK was that it would be too OP to get all the Will Power heal during a fight.

    yet its OK for Diablo to get all that WP regen without the penalty?

    where is the game balance?
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,694 ★★★★★
    RakeYoung said:

    So.... basically...
    My champ can't do it, so why should yours? Got it. 👌

    if you want to over simplify it? sure.

    the main thing to focus on is the reason for Kabam to nerf the regen rate on DDHK was that it would be too OP to get all the Will Power heal during a fight.

    yet its OK for Diablo to get all that WP regen without the penalty?

    where is the game balance?
    He gets the penalty though as poison reduced regen by 30% yes be more than ddhks but its still reduced healing throughout the fight
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,679 ★★★★★
    edited July 2021
    RakeYoung said:

    So.... basically...
    My champ can't do it, so why should yours? Got it. 👌

    if you want to over simplify it? sure.

    the main thing to focus on is the reason for Kabam to nerf the regen rate on DDHK was that it would be too OP to get all the Will Power heal during a fight.

    yet its OK for Diablo to get all that WP regen without the penalty?

    where is the game balance?
    Dude, you are willfully ignoring that they have different kits. It’s not a simple regen on/off switch, it’s regen in addition to the rest of the characters kit.

    I’ve explained this thoroughly above already. You are choosing not to engage with that and at this point are either being stubborn or trolling.

    Different champions have different kits. That’s it. That’s the explanation. If DDHK and Diablo had the exact same kit except for this regen issue, you’d be onto something. But they don’t, so you’re not.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    Bendy said:

    RakeYoung said:

    So.... basically...
    My champ can't do it, so why should yours? Got it. 👌

    if you want to over simplify it? sure.

    the main thing to focus on is the reason for Kabam to nerf the regen rate on DDHK was that it would be too OP to get all the Will Power heal during a fight.

    yet its OK for Diablo to get all that WP regen without the penalty?

    where is the game balance?
    He gets the penalty though as poison reduced regen by 30% yes be more than ddhks but its still reduced healing throughout the fight
    True, but given the fact that Diablo takes zero damage from poison, its a straight regen with nothing to stop it.

    just as a separate example, ProfX has a synergy that lets Mutants take less poison damage depending on how many persistent charges ProfX has.

    this is balanced out by the fact that you still have to win 4 fights with ProfX for max potential and you still take a bit of poison damage, its minimal but its there.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    RakeYoung said:

    So.... basically...
    My champ can't do it, so why should yours? Got it. 👌

    if you want to over simplify it? sure.

    the main thing to focus on is the reason for Kabam to nerf the regen rate on DDHK was that it would be too OP to get all the Will Power heal during a fight.

    yet its OK for Diablo to get all that WP regen without the penalty?

    where is the game balance?
    Dude, you are willfully ignoring that they have different kits. It’s not a simple regen on/off switch, it’s regen in addition to the rest of the characters kit.

    I’ve explained this thoroughly above already. You are choosing not to engage with that and at this point are either being stubborn or trolling.

    Different champions have different kits. That’s it. That’s the explanation. If DDHK and Diablo had the exact same kit except for this regen issue, you’d be onto something. But they don’t, so you’re not.
    i'm not sure what it is i'm ignoring here, so my apologies if i missed something.

    i understand they have different kits, Diablo has regen at the base, thats not what i'm discussing.

    Diablo has a poison that he takes zero damage from but has a full Will Power regen benefit from.

    DDHK takes normal damage from poison as well as 30% reduced regen rate with his base -40% regen rate and straight dies from the poison by itself over time.

    are you saying that is fair and/or balanced when the reason given for DDHK regen rate reduction was that it would be too powerful for a champ to have that much WP regen during a fight?

    Immortal Abomination is a completely different champ with a different kit, he too could have OP WP regen, but he actually stacks the poisons so that in itself keeps the WP regen in check by the reduced regen per poison alone and that is a fair trade off.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,679 ★★★★★
    RakeYoung said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RakeYoung said:

    So.... basically...
    My champ can't do it, so why should yours? Got it. 👌

    if you want to over simplify it? sure.

    the main thing to focus on is the reason for Kabam to nerf the regen rate on DDHK was that it would be too OP to get all the Will Power heal during a fight.

    yet its OK for Diablo to get all that WP regen without the penalty?

    where is the game balance?
    Dude, you are willfully ignoring that they have different kits. It’s not a simple regen on/off switch, it’s regen in addition to the rest of the characters kit.

    I’ve explained this thoroughly above already. You are choosing not to engage with that and at this point are either being stubborn or trolling.

    Different champions have different kits. That’s it. That’s the explanation. If DDHK and Diablo had the exact same kit except for this regen issue, you’d be onto something. But they don’t, so you’re not.
    i'm not sure what it is i'm ignoring here, so my apologies if i missed something.

    i understand they have different kits, Diablo has regen at the base, thats not what i'm discussing.

    Diablo has a poison that he takes zero damage from but has a full Will Power regen benefit from.

    DDHK takes normal damage from poison as well as 30% reduced regen rate with his base -40% regen rate and straight dies from the poison by itself over time.

    are you saying that is fair and/or balanced when the reason given for DDHK regen rate reduction was that it would be too powerful for a champ to have that much WP regen during a fight?

    Immortal Abomination is a completely different champ with a different kit, he too could have OP WP regen, but he actually stacks the poisons so that in itself keeps the WP regen in check by the reduced regen per poison alone and that is a fair trade off.
    You keep putting the willpower healing in a vacuum as if it exists separate and apart from the rest of the champions’ kits. It does not. It is a factor they considered with the whole of their kits. They decided Diablo would be allowed to benefit from it because it stayed balanced with the rest of his kit. They decided DDHK should not because they felt it would be too much in addition to his entire kit. That’s it.
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    You keep putting the willpower healing in a vacuum as if it exists separate and apart from the rest of the champions’ kits. It does not. It is a factor they considered with the whole of their kits. They decided Diablo would be allowed to benefit from it because it stayed balanced with the rest of his kit. They decided DDHK should not because they felt it would be too much in addition to his entire kit. That’s it.

    The kits need to be looked at holistically, sure. DDHK does things that Diablo cannot, and the inverse is true. I would counter that DDHK's downsides are more numerous and significant.

    There have only been two champs with a Regen Rate penalty. It would appear that they learned with Kingpin and implemented a way for him to remove damaging Debuffs which would have an excessive effect on the kit, like for Suicides but also damaging Debuffs which would have excessively affected the recovery by Willpower.

    To be honest, given the amount of hassle Rage and the Regen Rate penalty causes, I wouldn't mind if Kabam ripped both out of the kit if the issues can't be easily sorted. Or just cut Rage Debuff durations to a level so the Regen Rate penalty could be binned. That would be closer to Regen belonging to Mystic and Mutant you mentioned earlier.

    Good debate 🙂
  • 5RSLY5RSLY Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2021
    @RakeYoung Where is your post to Kabam asking them to fix (nerf) Mole Man so his true accuracy abilities are in line with the character description? Asking for a friend....
  • HavanaknightHavanaknight Member Posts: 489 ★★★
    Colossus with a 3-4 charge prof x says hi.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    5RSLY said:

    @RakeYoung Where is your post to Kabam asking them to fix (nerf) Mole Man so his true accuracy abilities are in line with the character description? Asking for a friend....

    haha, that would definitely incur the ire of the community, i think everyone knows at this point MoleGod is bugged and i'm sure nobody will complain about it when its fixed.

    i also believe some CCP members mentioned it to Kabam but i assume its not a priority to fix at the moment.

    personally i bring this up to anyone i suggest MoleGod as a rank up too so there is no confusion.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    RakeYoung said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RakeYoung said:

    So.... basically...
    My champ can't do it, so why should yours? Got it. 👌

    if you want to over simplify it? sure.

    the main thing to focus on is the reason for Kabam to nerf the regen rate on DDHK was that it would be too OP to get all the Will Power heal during a fight.

    yet its OK for Diablo to get all that WP regen without the penalty?

    where is the game balance?
    Dude, you are willfully ignoring that they have different kits. It’s not a simple regen on/off switch, it’s regen in addition to the rest of the characters kit.

    I’ve explained this thoroughly above already. You are choosing not to engage with that and at this point are either being stubborn or trolling.

    Different champions have different kits. That’s it. That’s the explanation. If DDHK and Diablo had the exact same kit except for this regen issue, you’d be onto something. But they don’t, so you’re not.
    i'm not sure what it is i'm ignoring here, so my apologies if i missed something.

    i understand they have different kits, Diablo has regen at the base, thats not what i'm discussing.

    Diablo has a poison that he takes zero damage from but has a full Will Power regen benefit from.

    DDHK takes normal damage from poison as well as 30% reduced regen rate with his base -40% regen rate and straight dies from the poison by itself over time.

    are you saying that is fair and/or balanced when the reason given for DDHK regen rate reduction was that it would be too powerful for a champ to have that much WP regen during a fight?

    Immortal Abomination is a completely different champ with a different kit, he too could have OP WP regen, but he actually stacks the poisons so that in itself keeps the WP regen in check by the reduced regen per poison alone and that is a fair trade off.
    You keep putting the willpower healing in a vacuum as if it exists separate and apart from the rest of the champions’ kits. It does not. It is a factor they considered with the whole of their kits. They decided Diablo would be allowed to benefit from it because it stayed balanced with the rest of his kit. They decided DDHK should not because they felt it would be too much in addition to his entire kit. That’s it.

    the reason i pull Will Power in a vacuum is because its a mastery that affects all champions(except robots) and outside of a champ receiving too much regen from the mastery, all champs should be treated the same.

    in this instance Diablo's regen is OP with suicides and max WP

    for DDHK its a death sentence cause he cant even negate the poison damage.

    for every other champ in the game affected by WP, they negate the Poison damage.

    so yes, i'm looking at WP in a vacuum because it shouldn't class/champ(excluding robots) specific.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★

    Colossus with a 3-4 charge prof x says hi.

    this is balanced because it involves bring a synergy champ and winning fights with ProfX

    i used this as an example in a previous post.
  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★
    RakeYoung said:

    So.... basically...
    My champ can't do it, so why should yours? Got it. 👌

    if you want to over simplify it? sure.

    the main thing to focus on is the reason for Kabam to nerf the regen rate on DDHK was that it would be too OP to get all the Will Power heal during a fight.

    yet its OK for Diablo to get all that WP regen without the penalty?

    where is the game balance?
    For what it is worth, I expect Diablo's regen to be altered in some way. But I don't think it SHOULD be.
    Different champs, different kits. Just my opinion.
  • Dawnbringer_1Dawnbringer_1 Member Posts: 268 ★★
    Yet it’s not the willpower healing that needs nerfing since he suffers from 30% healing anyway, it’s his special healing so u are asking for a kit that was just buffed to be nerfed? Man you can’t satisfy some people.
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