Champion nerfs

Can we get some? The meta within MCOC has frankly felt incredibly stale for far too long at this point. I'm not suggesting that champions like Quake and Ghost should be nerfed to the ground, but adjust them so that they aren't so dominant at the top. I believe it was said at the beginning of the champion buff program that nerfs would take place as well, but we haven't seen any as of yet.
Ghost and to a greater extent, Quake simply aren't healthy for the longevity of the game. Competitive games like MCOC are at their best when the meta is ever-shifting, but with those two champions remaining dominant for years now, the meta has only grown staler and staler over time. Kabam, I implore you to fix this for the sake of MCOC's health.
Side note: Providing RDT's should a nerf like this take place is a prerequisite. People have invested in these champions and thus would have every right to be aggravated. In a case like this where nerfing these champions is fairly necessary for the heath of the game, providing RDT's are a far lesser evil comparatively.
Ghost and to a greater extent, Quake simply aren't healthy for the longevity of the game. Competitive games like MCOC are at their best when the meta is ever-shifting, but with those two champions remaining dominant for years now, the meta has only grown staler and staler over time. Kabam, I implore you to fix this for the sake of MCOC's health.
Side note: Providing RDT's should a nerf like this take place is a prerequisite. People have invested in these champions and thus would have every right to be aggravated. In a case like this where nerfing these champions is fairly necessary for the heath of the game, providing RDT's are a far lesser evil comparatively.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
However, Kabam is in a rough spot when it comes to things like this. They know they can't outright nerf the top champs because of backlash and such, and instead make adjustments to other areas, be it nodes or champion abilities, to directly or indirectly counter the meta but this can take a while before it sees any effect on the game as a whole.
I will (mostly) praise Kabam on the work they've done to improve certain champs to make them better and more usable, but I really do wish that they could have a little more spine when it comes to actually balancing the meta. It won't happen, but a guy can dream.
Nerfs typically take place shortly after a champ has been released. For example, Namor and Cull.
And don't even start with rank down tickets.
I'm also gonna assume you haven't explored act 6. If you have, you most likely wouldn't be yearning for a nerf to these champs, cuz you know how much more you'd have spent if you didn't have either of them to clear certain portions of it.
King Pin,
In short, the game next steps push Quake out.
Why invest in new champs when they could all be nerfed tomorrow?
Why plan to become TB when my entire team that's carried me this far no longer punches like before?
Why am I still playing after they've made fundamental changes in the game that go completely in a different direction?
This is a stack of dominos that no-one wants to see fall and Kabam says they're avoiding tune downs/nerfs like the plague soooo they're not in a rush to support an idea like that.
As a player, I want to use a variety of champs. In 7.2 exploration, I used Ghost on maybe 5-6 paths total, although I could have used her much more. She's 6sr3, and I have 6s Odin and the rest of the Ghost team.
And of course neither Quake or Ghost have been dominant or even that useful against the hardest bosses in the game, as far as I know. Or in The Abyss. I suppose the Gauntlet was the one hard content in which they were useful.
I prefer to look at it like this -- champs are getting buffed quickly. I woke up today to find my 6sr1 awakened Diablo and Bishop are now really god champs that can do things Quake and Ghost cannot.
Players complain about overtuned content but refuse to accept that content design got to that point in the first place bc of champs that were basically broken existing in the game.
You can't properly tune difficulty around lesser champs still being usable while Quake, Ghost, and Magneto (Corvus in AQ) are still running rampant. Act 7 chapters can basically be done by any average player with a Ghost, a few hours, and a handful of boosts now that they've moved to the everyone gets a prize model of content design. They let players forget how to walk without a crutch and they're just never going to have the stones to take the crutches away and apparently even design content to specifically remove then as options (Guantlet).
Been singing this song for a long time but it's being sung to a deaf audience so it's basically pointless at this point.
P.S. they already tried something like this and it was huge fail (update v12.0).
Hard disagree. Case in point: Blade. People said the same thing. And now people think he’s “outdated.”
The game will transition. Newer champs will bring fresh perspectives. The Meta will shift. It’ll be fine.