Only if Summoner Appreciation would have been there

The Summ(on)er Camp was good on paper but you have to purchase all preceding items to unlock the next item. In Summoner Appreciation Calendar everyone was getting free rewards and there was no requirement of spending money to gain rewards.
Kabam to either remove the condition to unlock the preceding item to purchase the next item or to bring Summenor Appreciation Calendar back.
Kabam to either remove the condition to unlock the preceding item to purchase the next item or to bring Summenor Appreciation Calendar back.
None of this requires you to spend any money. And the Calendar gave you no options either: the requirement to unlock the next item by buying the preceeding item (or a prior item if you don't qualify for that item) is not fundamentally worse than the Summoner Appreciation Calendar. With the calendar, you had to claim the items in order as well. With the Canteen store, they are allowed a little more discretion with the rewards, because they can progress-lock the higher value ones.