Heavy Attack range

Heavy attacks are hitting even though I am standing at safe distance. While the AI was charging, I evaded back 1 step, ready to hit back and should have easily avoided his heavy attack. But when he released, the hit range expanded and I got hit. This has started happening since yesterday, together with Special Attack not activating after a successful 5 hit combo.
My mood & day gets ruined when such things happen, which didn't use to happen earlier. How can things which used to work fine suddenly break.
My mood & day gets ruined when such things happen, which didn't use to happen earlier. How can things which used to work fine suddenly break.
"We can do everything the AI can do" is the mandate KABAM is supposed to be following so saying "ya they changed it" is letting them off the hook and not holding them accountable for this garbage. It needs to be fixed. PERIOD.
Didn't help they also cut evade distance in half.
I’m not letting them off the hook for anything. I have called out every bug or unfair AI mechanic I’ve seen. But nothing has been done about it.
Don’t get me wrong. I want the game to be challenging. But challenges because the AI has an unfair advantage, like these dashes or the super fast recovery we don’t get, are not the right kind of difficulty that makes the game more fun. The right kind of difficulty makes the game challenging, but you get a rewarding feeling when you learn how to do it right, not “oh, yay, the RNG worked in my favor.”
I think a good example is Ghost Rider. Stacking up his Judgements in the right way takes some skill and decision making in the heat of battle. I would like to see more of that instead of these advantages that take no skill. So many of the new champs lately seem to have things like crazy power gain, immunity to almost everything, and other boosts that don’t require any skill.
It’s all part of the same design problem with this game. There is too much reliance on randomness and AI advantages.
a little bit? Still doesn't acknowledge the fact that WE can't do it which AGAIN, goes against their own policy. Show me where they said this was an intended mechanic please.
Does video need to be 40 seconds long to show a 10 second issue in slow motion? And why do instant replay when we can rewind; that's just for live TV. Just nitpicking, but definitely buggy
Because I'm completely anal. And because if I DON'T show everything there's always some ass hat that says, why didn't you show the whole thing? And in fact, that's exactly what happened when I first posted it.