Change "Contemptuous Hatred" Synergy

@Kabam Miike Can the Contemptuous Hatred synergy be transferred to Mangog's list of synergies. Remove Crossbones and add Hela. Allow her to gain a unstoppable buff when charging a heavy. Transfer Punisher 2099 from the Hydra Recruiters synergy and create one to replace the Contemptuous Hatred synergy. Name it Ministry of Punishment and give him the Mercenary & Villain attack & Crit damage increase as with Red Skull and Hit-Monkey. Add Crossbones and allow him to keep his +50% fury buff duration on this synergy. Mangog should stick with Asgardians, not Mercenaries. Thank you.
Edit: I fr would appreciate a new synergy of some sort, this guy is so slept on and is one small thing away from greatness imo