Quality of Life Enhancement Requests

awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★
Game team:

I have some suggestions that would greatly improve (at least my) Quality of Life (QoL) while playing MCOC. Some of these may have been requested in the past, and I apologize if they were and had already been addressed.

1. Auto-claim 4-hr and 24-hr crystals. There could still be a stipulation that you had to have been logged in within the last 12 hours or however you see fit. I know personally, I am busy at varying times of the day with work, activities, family, etc. and sometimes I miss my opportunity to claim the 24 hour crystal for several hours for example, ultimately reducing the amount of times I am able to claim this within a week. Whereas you should have 7 opportunities to claim this, I often end up with only 5 or 6.
2. Help requests - I know this has vastly been improved on over the last year, but it still slows down arena grinding if I don't intend on refreshing the champs. Maybe have a toggle to "auto-request help" when in arenas. - Or perhaps somehow rework the entire help function just lowering the cooldown on arenas and quest energy, and putting 1000 loyalty in a calendar or something.
3. While on the topic of arenas, last year before I had retired, I was able to sort say 5* by low to high to start my streaks. You still can, but at the top of the list will be the champs that are on cooldown. Can we have a second filtering option somehow to filter by one category AND availability? not one or the other?
4. Lower the T4b required for 4* for say cavalier and above - Since 4* aren't welcome in act 6 or beyond it doesn't make sense to require so many T4b's to rank a 4* champ that will have maybe a use once for a specific objective or arena-grinding. for example, maybe R3-R4 need 1, and R4-R5 need 3. I think that would be a fair compromise. I don't want to have to choose between being able to R2 a 6* or R5 a 4*. That just doesn't compare.
5. Summoner Advancement & 3-day Alliance Events: Needs a refresh on the rewards. These are the same rewards as last year, and I find it difficult to believe many top alliances are competing for a couple 5-star signature stones as a top rank reward.
6. Solo 22hr Event Quest Completion - This is a painful one to hit milestones on, perhaps change it to just "quest completion" so story quests also count towards this milestone. This would especially be helpful towards the end of the EQ when EQ has already been explored, I don't want to burn energy and refills to complete content that I have already explored.
7. Lower the energy requirement for Normal & Heroic EQs. I feel like before I retired it cost less energy for these, but resorted back to being 1/2/3 per chapter. Even if there is a gate to lowering these, i.e. uncollected players get chapter 3 for 2 energy on normal, cavalier gets 2 energy per tile for heroic in chapter 3, etc. Something of that nature I think would also benefit many summoners, especially when there is so much content dropped at once. For us OCD completionists it becomes a juggling act, (especially when considering champions tied up in war, aq, etc) Which brings me to my final suggestion-
8. I know reaching the final tile in war releases all champs, but what if your defenders were released as they were KO'd? I know there's no guarantee that they will be KO'd, but then that means there's a stronger chance of winning the war. I think it would be nice if they came available at a quicker pace.

Overall in the past year you guys have made a lot of great strides in the right direction to improving many Summoner's QoL (calendars, rewards, arena, etc), but I believe these few suggestions can really make a huge impact.


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    Would you like fries with that?
  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★

    Would you like fries with that?

    No but acknowledgment from a mod might be nice.
  • DiinastyDiinasty Member Posts: 55

    Would you like fries with that?

    I mean there’s nothing really outrageous about what he is asking, he isn’t demanding any free content, lowering energy requirements for lower tier content for players who are cavalier or thronebreaker is very reasonable as those players have much more content to work on and similarly with the arena help issue, someone who grinds arena a lot, it’s kind of a pain in the ass and is a simple QoL fix.

    The only point I would disagree with is the Alliance war champs being released upon KO as that would encourage free loaders to get KO intentionally. Also the whole idea is that it’s supposed to be a commitment of champions for 24 hours and adds an aspect of strategizing your champs
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★

    Game team:

    I have some suggestions that would greatly improve (at least my) Quality of Life (QoL) while playing MCOC. Some of these may have been requested in the past, and I apologize if they were and had already been addressed.

    1. Auto-claim 4-hr and 24-hr crystals. There could still be a stipulation that you had to have been logged in within the last 12 hours or however you see fit. I know personally, I am busy at varying times of the day with work, activities, family, etc. and sometimes I miss my opportunity to claim the 24 hour crystal for several hours for example, ultimately reducing the amount of times I am able to claim this within a week. Whereas you should have 7 opportunities to claim this, I often end up with only 5 or 6.

    2. Help requests - I know this has vastly been improved on over the last year, but it still slows down arena grinding if I don't intend on refreshing the champs. Maybe have a toggle to "auto-request help" when in arenas. - Or perhaps somehow rework the entire help function just lowering the cooldown on arenas and quest energy, and putting 1000 loyalty in a calendar or something.

    3. While on the topic of arenas, last year before I had retired, I was able to sort say 5* by low to high to start my streaks. You still can, but at the top of the list will be the champs that are on cooldown. Can we have a second filtering option somehow to filter by one category AND availability? not one or the other?

    4. Lower the T4b required for 4* for say cavalier and above - Since 4* aren't welcome in act 6 or beyond it doesn't make sense to require so many T4b's to rank a 4* champ that will have maybe a use once for a specific objective or arena-grinding. for example, maybe R3-R4 need 1, and R4-R5 need 3. I think that would be a fair compromise. I don't want to have to choose between being able to R2 a 6* or R5 a 4*. That just doesn't compare.

    5. Summoner Advancement & 3-day Alliance Events: Needs a refresh on the rewards. These are the same rewards as last year, and I find it difficult to believe many top alliances are competing for a couple 5-star signature stones as a top rank reward.

    6. Solo 22hr Event Quest Completion - This is a painful one to hit milestones on, perhaps change it to just "quest completion" so story quests also count towards this milestone. This would especially be helpful towards the end of the EQ when EQ has already been explored, I don't want to burn energy and refills to complete content that I have already explored.

    7. Lower the energy requirement for Normal & Heroic EQs. I feel like before I retired it cost less energy for these, but resorted back to being 1/2/3 per chapter. Even if there is a gate to lowering these, i.e. uncollected players get chapter 3 for 2 energy on normal, cavalier gets 2 energy per tile for heroic in chapter 3, etc. Something of that nature I think would also benefit many summoners, especially when there is so much content dropped at once. For us OCD completionists it becomes a juggling act, (especially when considering champions tied up in war, aq, etc) Which brings me to my final suggestion-

    8. I know reaching the final tile in war releases all champs, but what if your defenders were released as they were KO'd? I know there's no guarantee that they will be KO'd, but then that means there's a stronger chance of winning the war. I think it would be nice if they came available at a quicker pace.

    Overall in the past year you guys have made a lot of great strides in the right direction to improving many Summoner's QoL (calendars, rewards, arena, etc), but I believe these few suggestions can really make a huge impact.

  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    Diinasty said:

    Would you like fries with that?

    The only point I would disagree with is the Alliance war champs being released upon KO as that would encourage free loaders to get KO intentionally. Also the whole idea is that it’s supposed to be a commitment of champions for 24 hours and adds an aspect of strategizing your champs
    I figured that request might have been a bit farfetched and probably wouldn't help most people out very much anyways. My only thoughts were with cav difficulty having specific class restrictions or bonuses per chapter, but then again probably for most alliances this is really only an issue during an active war season.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★

    Diinasty said:

    Would you like fries with that?

    The only point I would disagree with is the Alliance war champs being released upon KO as that would encourage free loaders to get KO intentionally. Also the whole idea is that it’s supposed to be a commitment of champions for 24 hours and adds an aspect of strategizing your champs
    I figured that request might have been a bit farfetched and probably wouldn't help most people out very much anyways. My only thoughts were with cav difficulty having specific class restrictions or bonuses per chapter, but then again probably for most alliances this is really only an issue during an active war season.
    Not to mention still.. Freeloaders.
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