Bishop SP3 Buff Ability Nerfed????

So I was doing my usual post buff awesome sauce planning with Bishop in AQ and finished a fight with an SP3 so I could easily take care of the Killmonger next with the SP3 at the start like I did when the buff went live. HOWEVER it did NOT work. I go into another fight thinking it was a glitch .. ended it with an SP3 and nope .. started with ZERO power. Tried an SP2 ender and yep that one still works but you can no longer end a fight with an SP3 and start the next fight with an SP3.
Did I miss a nerf of Bishop already??? It's funny that this happened because I totally called it before this went live .. below you'll see my conversations about it as well as the NEW ability description for Bishop now pointing out that only the SP1 and SP2 have persistent carry over smh.

So please tell me I missed the announcement that Bishop's abilities were going to be modified/nerfed from what was possible mere days ago??? I know it's probably just me because I don't read every bit of news so could someone link me to where an explanation was given about the adjustment to Bishop???
Did I miss a nerf of Bishop already??? It's funny that this happened because I totally called it before this went live .. below you'll see my conversations about it as well as the NEW ability description for Bishop now pointing out that only the SP1 and SP2 have persistent carry over smh.

So please tell me I missed the announcement that Bishop's abilities were going to be modified/nerfed from what was possible mere days ago??? I know it's probably just me because I don't read every bit of news so could someone link me to where an explanation was given about the adjustment to Bishop???
It was like this until recently.
Now it reads "His special 1 and special 2 cost no power".
They changed him and didn't even announce it. Nothing in News and Announcements. Nothing on his spotlights on the main website or here.
Persistent Power Meter:
Bishop’s mastery over energy and time enables him to enter a fight with 100% of the Power he finished his previous fight in the same Quest with.
Bishop’s Special Attacks cost no Power when activated. Instead, after the Special ends, Bishop immediately loses however many Bars of Power that special would have cost
That would lead me to believe that the SP3 would carry over if the fight was ended with an SP3 attack, but then the dev note makes it pretty confusing:
Dev Note: Bishop’s Special Attacks not costing power anymore means that if you finish a fight with a big Special 2 or Special 1, you’ll carry that power over to the next fight!
Super confusing when the dev note doesn't include the special 3. It doesn't help that in the spotlight thread they were directly asked to clarify about the special 3 and we got no official response.
Maybe this is them clarifying the situation and they never wanted the SP3 to carry over if used to end a fight?
I think a fair change would be “as a defender, Bishops persistent power meter is capped at 2 bars.”
It should be allowed as an attacker
what if people were in a serious War match and they depended on the ability for a win and season's ranking. just not cool to take away an ability without a word.
Now I have to question the use of SP3 altogether .. adjustments have to be made now ... maybe this is an AQ answer too??
However, you can also choose to not end the fight with a special attack and start the next fight by placing a permanent energy vulnerability debuff on the opponent. That will help enhance your other special attacks, that you should focus on, throughout the fight. By saving up to an SP3 and not ending the fight with it, you can ensure that you play every fight in a quest with a permanent energy vulnerability on the opponent. Pretty insane.
That feels like a fair way of doing things to ensure that he's not a complete nightmare defender to face off against. I do *not* want to fight a Bishop who can enter a permanent SP3 killcycle if I die.