Assault on Olympus points

ChamwadChamwad Member Posts: 17
Are the assault on Olympus points around the wrong way? You get less points for the specific champs than just a general fight?


  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    But the specific champs give you 1.8 per fight, so the potential is 21.8k
  • ChamwadChamwad Member Posts: 17
    Cool, I see. Thanks for that.
  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    Curious, what milestone is everyone currently at for this?
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    I've just received the 9k t2a shards I believe. I haven't used Cap for anything as of yet, but I had an extra run with the platpool objective
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,144 ★★★★★
    If my math is correct, I havent used a single champ for the extra points, you'll still get all the milestones. Just takes a little bit longer.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    If you have CAIW there’s not much reason to not use him as much as possible just to speed things up.

    I personally run CAIW, CAWWII+Red Skull synergy, then Mojo and NF for damage+power gain.
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